Damian x Reader blurb 'can you hear me-'

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started as headcanons, turned into a blurb, all Damian cuteness! (warning: this one is flirty!!) she/her pronouns, 800 words, had to change the title so no spoilers!

Imagine prompt: Damian and Y/N, vigilante teammates *ahem* "coworkers" thank you Damian- 

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Damian has strong senses. Hearing, sight, smell etc. He also has naturally heightened awareness. Damian sees all hears all the knows all. Which means he catches every glance and giggle Y/N ever does in his vicinity. 

Damian secretly savors that hidden attention he gets from Y/N. He loves catching her smiling at him. He can feel her staring when his back is turned. Her body language is always so inviting and calm. Sometimes, he swear he can hear her... purring? It's like a trilling kind of laughter that drives him mad. He just wants to hear more of it. He wants to get closer. How does she do it? Can she do it louder? (but only with him around, of course.)

She minds her own. She does her work and does it well. She may have an announcement here and there, but otherwise nothing to report. All Damian can get of her are those fleeting moments when he is graced with her presence. In between mission debriefings, during tower down-time, whenever he has the time to go find her...  

Damian is troubled by the thought that his other "teammates" may be experiencing the same feelings he does. Has Y/N been giving anyone else these signals? Is he the only one she does this for? Is he overthinking this and seeing more in normal behavior? Why do other people have to be so confusing??  

Never a word between them, but all this growing tension. Her soft smiles, the way she bats her eyes, it is too much for Dami to bear. 

He confronts her about it, asking what this strange behavior is all about. Y/N is thrilled by the way because her plan (obviously) worked. Using Damian's own gifts against him, now it's time for phase two: sensory overload.

"Is it true?" Y/N asks. 

Damian's skin goes cold. If what is true... How much does she know???

"... About your senses, they are stronger than the average person's, right?"

A sigh of relief, but also a punch to the gut. What was all that behavior before about then??

Again, Y/N answers before Damian can. By getting close. Closer than anyone has ever dared before. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Damian thinks this is nice, exciting, and he gets this burning feeling inside of him. His eyes are locked on her figure, that enticing figure, as inviting as he remembers, now enveloping him- chest to chest. 

Damian's senses go wild. His eyes are focused on her, not daring to break the eye contact and ruin what he has been given. The front of his body, the parts so blessed to be in contact with Y/N are on fire yet are sparkling at the same time. Each spark being an attempt from his skin to find either everything or nothing at all. Desperately trying to find a refuge in the balance of temperature and texture. He can smell the moisturizer on her face and conditioner in her hair, even though they are nowhere near his nose, on account of their height difference. Damian thinks Y/N is speaking to him, but is fighting off the white noise that has now taken over his hearing. Like a blanket over his head, Damian is struggling to get out. Though, part of him wants this to continue. Part of him wants this to be his end. His awareness and guard are completely fried. Y/N could be slipping him poison right now and he wouldn't know it. In a way, she is. Her touch is giving him everything he has been missing. Everybody always regards Damian in a fearful manner. They whisper about his crude personality and scatter as he approaches. He has never been treated to kind touch, or kind advances. This realization brings a quiver up from his chest and lands right below his eyelids. Damian curses to himself and begs his own body, 'Not Now!'. His second salvation comes in the form of a simple question. 

"Can you hear how fast my heart is beating right now?"

A soft voice, out from the girl who has been giving him all this turmoil. A confession, from the girl who has been thinking about him nonstop and finally took her chance. 

With that, Damian knows he is not alone. 

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* Based on the info that damian has heightened senses due to being genetically engineered by Talia and the LOA

* also inspired by the the fact that he is the only Robin allowed to wear a hood over his head

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now