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OC is Yong Lin He, or Yin for short. 

Yin wants to be loved, adored, and appreciated. Yin wants to love, appreciate, and share her feelings. Yin is touch and love starved. Her emotional vulnerabilities and desperation leave her open to the wrong kind of attention.

Yin tries her best at everything yet still falls short. Every exam ended with a 90% instead of a 100%. Rejected from multiple clubs, teams, relationships, and jobs, Yin is slowly breaking inside. Yin forces herself to keep a good attitude and believe that things will get better, but they never do. 

Yin wants to make something of herself. She wants to make others proud and even jealous. Deep down she wants to change completely, to shed the burden of her own person-hood, to be reborn as "better". Yin spirals into the grave she dug for herself.

Yin is not happy, but will happily lie.

*inspired by a good friend. thank you Amy, I hope you are doing well my love 

*might add more as time goes

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