Jon and Damian overhearing their crush singing

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Jon hears his crush singing as they run errands in the day and chores around their house

- There is an angelic voice that fades in and out, swinging around corners or sometimes right in front of him

- also accompanied by rapid footsteps and rustling

- Jon feels like he is frozen in place, like his muscles refuse to move 

- He knows it's Y/N singing, but he had NO idea they could sing like that 

- Jon just sits and listens, he doesn't focus too hard

- He just wants to enjoy this moment, afraid if he makes any sudden movements it might stop

- What are they singing? He has no idea. But listening to the steady vibratos bounce off the walls is good enough for him

- Someday he might ask them to sing for him, when they're alone

Damian hears his crush singing while they work on schoolwork 

- Damian's trained ears pick up something out of the ordinary, something he's never heard as of yet

- He closes his book and sets it down carefully, going into detective mode he softly steps toward the source

- Behind the door to the Wayne Manor library, there is a soft airy voice bounding between notes 

- That's Y/N!! 

- His Y/N was hiding this talent from him the whole time? Why has he never heard them earlier??

- He does not recognize the song they're singing, but he commits the tune to memory and will search for it later

- Right now he wants this mystery song to continue forever. Forever only to be sung by Y/N

- Maybe he'll confront Y/N about it, play the song before them and casually ask if they've ever heard it before 

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now