'Part-Time Friends' P1 Party Time is ALL the time - Damian / Jon x Reader

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Reader with a LOT of time on their hands x Jon and Damian Headcanons   (Part 1)

GN reader / they them pronouns 

part 1 of 'Part-Time Friends'


- Reader with Unlimited Free Time™ is a phone bill's worst enemy.

- CONSTANTLY updating, ranting, philosophizing, theories, deep dives, theories about the deep dives- anything

- (reader destroys their house's wifi at least once)

- Movies. Reader has seen them ALL. Sends "Top 10 best scenes in *moviename* with timestamps and locations

- Books. Reader has dozens of note pages about the author's secrets, details, and what it all means to novel's true themes. 

- Video Games. Something that Reader can get lost in for HOURS- It's perfect. Reader spams Jon and Damian with friend requests and "Play This Game With Me!!" requests. 

- Music. Reader makes specific playlists, hunts down every OST, AND can find you that one song you heard 5 seconds of at a random party but can only hum. 

- Reader honestly makes a whole ass YouTube channel or something, they have the time and they are a content machine 

- Reviews posted every 3 days 

- The boys come back from ANYTHING and find 50+/100+/sometimes 150+ messages, depending on how long they were gone and what Reader discovered during that time 

- Reader always has energy and always has something to share. 

- They are absolutely eating up all this attention, but sometimes it can get overwhelming 

- They don't have the time to read or respond to every single thing and when they do have some time their phone is constantly going off

- They have to mute Reader's number specifically because of just how distracting the notifications can be

- They used to text back almost immediately, then it became a little bit, then it became nothing at all

- This actually creates tensions between them and Reader, Reader understands they are busy for real reasons, but it can get so lonely talking to yourself 

- It can feel like your "friends" don't care or aren't putting as much effort 

- Reader confronts the boys about this and is worried all of it is 'too much' and 'too annoying'

- Damian gives it to Reader straight, it IS a lot and they DO NOT have time anymore, yes they stopped responding and it was because he just did not bother to check every last text anymore

- Jon lets Reader down a little easier, there is so much to read and even with superspeed powers his phone "wouldn't keep up" with him and that his family imposes a NO PHONES PAST *specifictime* rule- on top of the NO PHONES AT THE TABLE rule

- Reader is kind of annoyed, but the message is loud and clear

- Reader didn't know how they got so much free time on their hands anyway, but decides they should make a change 

- Reader decides to find something to busy themself for the future of their relationship and for their own relationship with their self worth 

- - - 

*inspired by the COVID lockdowns 😒 ya'll know what I'm talking about 

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now