yandere Damian Wayne going through puberty headcanons (NSFW)

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*cross posted story*

featuring Yin

touch starved dami centric

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Both of Damian's parents were very emotionally unavailable and did not show him a lot of physical affection. Most people at all stages of his life would never gamble enough to try to get close enough to Damian much less try and hug him or something. When Damian hits puberty it starts catching up to him. He gets these feelings, these desires. It hits him like a truck.

- He thinks back into his early life and is bitter than he was never given the love he feels he deserves. He can't help but think of his parents. They are the closest thing to an intimate relationship around him.

- He becomes unhealthily interested in bodies. How they look and why they look like that. How different they can all be.

- He thinks of his father. His father's great stature. His muscled body. How his blood flows through his own veins. His father has always been his idol, but as he steps through the landmine of puberty he praises his mother's evilness for a minute. He will someday look like Bruce. He thinks of himself at his prime and what he may finally be able to enjoy. Love. Intimacy. Happiness.

- He thinks of his mother and... and her body. He is horrified by these thoughts. Damian tries to tackle this logically. He is thinking of his mother because of his hormones and this is the closest female person he has, or had.

- Damian's mother was beautiful. Sensual and knew how to use it. He always remembers her... her bosom, being open in some way. Tactically it is a great strategy for when she crossed paths with men who could be weak to such visuals.

- WEAK. This is how Damian views himself. But his new needs are never met and it is eating him from the inside out.

- He 100% turns into a breast man whether he likes it, (or chooses to acknowledge it), or not.

- When he meets Yin these feelings finally have something to attach to. He projects all of his desires and fantasies immediately.

- He wants to adorn her in the finest clothes. He wants to sketch and draw her and only her. He is obsessed with this fine creature.

- His body is changing too, and he assumes Yin will have similar weaknesses to him.

- This boy is constantly finding excuses to wear clothes tighter than usual. He is never caught in an unflattering outfit, that is when he wears clothing at all. Sometimes going shirtless is the best bet. He's here to play hardball.

- As time passes he is starting to be more accepting and understanding of this process. It is also much easier when he has Yin to be his focus. He also starts to fall more into a yandere view of things. Yin is going through the same thing right? She should be experiencing the same torment,,, right ?

- Damian is more curious than ever. He wants to know what Yin is feeling, thinking, dreaming of. After all, it is only natural. Damian would be doing a favor by granting Yin his patience and being there for her when she... needs him.

- He knows what the human body looks like, of course he does! But, he has never been able to - enjoy one. He wants to take his time. He wants to touch. To feel. He wants to explore. He wants to do this all with Yin. He wants to share this once in a lifetime experience with her and only her.

- Damian's family has started to notice he is acting different. Alfred was the first to figure it out, no surprise there. Bruce has his sneaking suspicions, but is avoiding the awkward topic. Dick noticed, asked Alfred, and it overjoyed about his lil bat's new crush. Tim and Jason could really care less, though this is another opportunity to tease Damian.

- Damian will deny and deny until his second death. No way in red hell he would be caught in this mess. With some internal struggle, Damian sees how this can be used to his advantage. He has a family full of older and experienced males that have all gone through this before.

- Forgoing his pride, he asks for advice.

- This changes his views even more. He will not admit this, but he now has a new outlook on what his future could really be. He understands his feelings more and finds he also has new ones.

- Damian finds himself craving the same intimacy, but in other forms. The mundane and domestic become exciting, something he looks forward to.

- To share a kiss every hello and goodbye, sharing secrets and enduring through time together, to have Yin's full attention and trust

- He feels he has passed a threshold. He feels he can respect himself and these feelings more. He still has his confusing moments sure, but Damian feels like he just has more life in him.

- This young man has blossomed into a hopeless and sickened romantic.  

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu