'Part-Time Friends' P3 Big Changes, Big Chances- Damian/Jon x Reader HC Style

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How would Damian and Jon react to Reader going from way too busy to having all the free time in the world? 

- They watch you like an anomaly.

- This Reader creature does indeed exist and the proof is sitting at the dining table looking out the window and appreciating the clouds, just because they can

- You take deep breaths just to know you're still there 

- You moved mountains to get to where you are now, you deserve that much 

- You celebrate your accomplishments by slowing your life to appreciate everything you didn't have time to do before 

- You almost don't know what to do with yourself

- There is so much you want to do so you kind of sit there and do nothing at all

- You still haven't broken your old habits just yet, so everything is on a schedule 

- Damian and Jon try their best to reteach you how to enjoy free time and healthily lose track of time

How would Jon and Damian react to Reader going from carefree individual to never having a chance to breathe?

- They are so proud of all your hard work, but also they see you struggling

- They see you with bloodshot eyes, lips chapped to hell, and drowning in exams.

- Your grades and performance are the only things that matter

- You start ignoring your health, yet still go to the gym and work even more

- You complain about soreness everywhere, chalking it all up to the gym

- The boys know better 

- They know this figure all too well

- The boys watch you deteriorate before their eyes, yet are still standing

- Jon and Damian want you to take a break, even for a little bit

- You politely refuse, as there is too much at stake now. Your future is on the line and every minute counts. You have your standards and don't want to let anybody (ESPECIALLY yourself) down

- Plus, you already invested a LOT of money into all these endeavors 

- Too late to turn back now

- It'll pay off in the end, right? 

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now