I dare you to stop me from my sugar addiction, how do you think I got pregnant?

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"(Y/N)! This is the second time today!"

Your husband had caught you sneaking food from the pantry multiple times, but as your pregnancy progressed he began to worry.

"You should be eating real food, not that junk!"

"This is real food! It's delicious and nutritious."

Damian lets out a deep sigh and kindly takes the bag of powdered chocolate almonds from your hand and sets them away from your grasp.

"Beloved, I understand your cravings, but I insist you do so in moderation. Think of our child, my love."

You couldn't say no to a face like that. Looking deep into those green eyes was always a losing battle. He takes your hand and softly kisses it, laying his other hand on the small of your back. Damian then leads you away from the pantry, subtly reminding you that there are other options in Wayne Manor for lunch.

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now