'I love...' Damian Wayne x Reader (Reader Centric) (pt1)

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Reader is so tired of what people say about their babe, so they give their two cents 

femelle reader/ she her used, about 800 words, enjoy lovelies 

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You're being interviewed by The Gotham Gazette. 

(They caught you by surprise out in public and your ride was a few, darn steps out of reach)

 Everybody wants the inside scoop of how you fell in love with Gotham's new young prince. There are many questions and rumors as to how Damian managed to get such a sweet thing as you. They flood your senses and any escape routes are blocked off. 

"Were you paid?" 

Cameras flash directly into your eyes.

"Were you forced?"

Microphones are shoved in your face.

     "Were you paid then forced? Blink now if you need help!"

The rumors turned into accusations and it was getting out of hand. It was very hurtful to Damian to see how the media thought of him and his family. Contrary to how the public may think, he does indeed have feelings. He would never think of all the horrible crimes that sprawl across newspapers, article titles, and televisions. He fights people who actually commit them every night! It all gets to his head and he pushes people away. In these moments he rarely makes eye contact with his beloved, thinking she is here not for his love but because she feels like she has no other options. It hurts him deeply. 

You thought it was finally time to set the record straight.

Damian sits down in front of the TV and, against his better judgement, he tuned in to the latest shows to see what people were saying about him. He knows it's probably not good for his health, but he can't help himself. It's just going to be more talk show nonsense to fill runtime anyway.

That is, until he sees her.

his... beloved?

Talking about their relationship!

His heart begins pounding like a drum in his ears. He can barely believe it. He thought he was doing a good job. He thought he was treating her well, giving her everything a woman could ask for. It stung and then it sank that she would go to the MEDIA about their personal lives. He was already sifting through the dark assumptions about what this report would entail...

Reporter 1: "So Ms. Wayne- Can I call you Ms. Wayne? Is it official yet? Anything you want to share with us?"

Y/N: "Not yet! Sorry to keep anyone in the deep end but you'll have to wait for an official announcement for that."

Reporter 1: "SHARP! I like you! Okay moving on, so- I'm sure you're already aware of the *ahem* opinions regarding your relationship. Do you mind telling us about that?"

Y/N: "Yes of course. I cannot speak on behalf of my partner, but it is very cruel what people are saying about him. I understand that not everybody gets to spend time with him the way I do, but I think the world would be a better place if we could all be more kind to each other-"

Reporter 1: "Great, great, but what do you actually SEE in him? Multiple reports have all correlated to him having a very   for lack of a better term   -strong- personality. Can you please, for the audience of course, tell us what attracted you to Damian?"

You dig deep into your history with Damian and let it flow naturally. You speak from the heart and let your true emotions shine. Any fault and the media would go notice and into a frenzy and you're here to clear up the misconceptions, not make them.

Some silence, then a deep breath. Your face rises the same way he is used to seeing every time he comes home. 

For a moment, seeing your face like that, his anxiety is *almost* gone. 

Y/N: "He impresses me everyday. I see the man who loves me, his family, and Gotham more than any other. He amazes me with his intellect and skill. He carries Wayne Industries into better and better times. He holds conferences for the improvement of his city. He educates and works for the community. Then he comes back from that to come to me, and I see a man. A man with his entire heart poured out. I love speaking to this man. He, of course, always says exactly what he thinks. I never had to worry about whether he truly loved me or not! How many men can you say that about these days? Some may think it's harsh, but I wouldn't want him any other way."

You dig a little bit deeper.

 "But most of all, he is not afraid of improvement. Damian, in my eyes, is a selfless man who works hard to be the best he can be. There is no other person I would rather have by my side."

And while every reporter, cameraman, and poor intern that was dragged into this is busy finding their jaws on the ground.    You make your escape. 

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now