Damian Wayne and Jon Kent with a S/O with long hair

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Jon Kent:

- Jon likes to sit behind his babe and go face first into the floff

- He 100% does the mustache thing with a random lock

- He will grab handfuls, hold it up, and watch it fall 

- Jonathan loves running his hands over your head, to feel the hair texture on his sensitive fingertips

- He will call you Rapunzel lol

- If you style your hair, he drags a finger along the design if you'd let him

- He is very patient with your hair care / styling process whatever it is

- He will absentmindedly reach for your hair and start twirling if he's busy and you're nearby

Damian Wayne:

- This boy is obsessed with brushing, washing, styling, caring for your hair in any way

- He loves knowing that he contributed to your beauty in some way, he wants to help

- He will learn any hair care skill for the reasons listed above, he likes feeling useful

- Damian loves showing you and your beautiful hair off 

- If you are around a good light source he loves staring at the shine from your hair

- He prefers when you let your hair down and free, he loves watching it flow

- He freaks out if anybody other than him tries to touch your hair, your hair is Damian Wayne only! No Touchie!

- He'll buy all the hair products for you lol

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now