Invading Boundaries Jon and Damian x Reader Scenarios

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Female Reader, Reader - insert

serious themes, be careful yall- viewer discretion IS ADVISED


Reader got her period and it stained their clothes, but Damian is pushy to a fault and will not let up 

- Damian sees you running around back and forth from your room to the bathroom to the laundry room and back

- He wants to know what's up, locked doors? what's that??

- Thinks you're hiding something 

- He stands outside of the laundry room and waits for you to get out

- You exit and run into the wall that is Damian

- He is scowling and demands to know what you are doing, with his anxiety high he disregards a kinder delivery of his message

- You close the door, standing in front of the nob and hands behind your back, scowling back up at him you tell him that he is not entitled to anything and stand your ground

- Damian is flabbergasted, but on the inside he is hurt

- You tell him it is not his business and he needs to learn to be aware of people's privacy

- He makes more demands and tries to reach for the door, but you catch his hand

- That's when he sees the blood on your hands

- Automatically assuming the worst, he forces his way in anyway and sees a bucket of water, cleaning supplies, and your bloody clothing

- His fears dissipate and then becomes confused, why would you hide this from him?

- You shove him out of the room in anger and start raising your voice about his actions and that if you do NOT want him somewhere he NEEDS to respect that

- You take your belongings and leave as quickly as possible, taking one more trip into the bathroom to get everything you need and finally take refuge in your room

- Damian's brain is in a whirlwind because he does not think it is a big deal, but he knows saying you are overreacting would get an even worse response

- He buffers for a little bit, looking for an appropriate reaction for the situation

- He remembers something from new training he has had that dictates that he be more sensitive to people's wishes

- He moves before anything else, taking small steps back and turning around

- His mind and feelings are still processing what to say and what would be the "right" thing to say

- (maybe he should ask Alfred for help?)

- He doesn't want you to be mad at him, he was worried and a period is a normal part of human life

- He hopes to resolve this with you later, still not getting what he did wrong


Reader goes to sleep and Jon follows, Jon is oblivious to the real fear he caused 

- You're staying over at Jon's place for a sleepover and have the guest room for the night

- You turn in early and Jon follows you up, maybe you'll have a pillow fight! Or play video games! He just wants to be where you are and spend time with you 

- You stop at the top of the stairs and ask what he's doing

- Jon says he's following you! Not thinking anything of it...

- Your face drops and you rush into the guest room then locking the door, and maybe picking up your phone just in case

- Wonders why you did a 180, not realizing the implications of his actions

- He goes up to the door and knocks, asking what's wrong through the door, effectively making the situation worse for you

- He can hear your heartrate and breathing spike and he starts to really worry, what if you're having a panic attack and need help??

- He doesn't want to call his dad or mom, he wants to figure this out for himself! This is a chance to prove himself!

- He puts his face close to the door and advises that you take deep breaths and turn the lights down,            to obviously not irritate your senses

- This literally only makes things worse 

- You are genuinely scared and confused because the sweet Jon you knew is gone

- You start wheezing and Jon can hear everything, your condition is getting more serious

- He doesn't want things to get worse so he opens the door using his strength, to "help"

- He finds you shaking in the corner next to the window, eyes wide and on him

- He takes steps towards you and lowers himself to you

- He feels a deep pang in his heart, you look . . . afraid?

- of him?

- Jon is shocked in place, unable to move or determine what is going on

- In his silence you tell him to back off, yelling at him to get out

- Jon is still lost and frozen, but now he is also sad

- You take your chance and push him up and out of the room, not wanting to see him anymore

- Jon is staring at the wall opposite of your door and feels like crying, but retires to his bed to hide his feelings

- He feels like a failure and can't figure out where it all went wrong

 - - - 


The behaviors displayed here are not okay and are invasive, hopefully this fanfiction helps someone recognize that. DO NOT let anyone force you to do anything you do not want to do, be safe my friends. 

NO means NO 

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें