Heroes who I think would give unsolicited 'relationship advice'

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title limit cut me off- 

REAL title is : "Heroes who I think would give unsolicited "relationship advice" to Damian and Jon"        

JL, Titans, whoever,     kind of x reader, kind of not, just a fun blurb because I had it in my brain 

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- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)  

self proclaimed "expert", will give way too much information at once and will send the boys away with their hands over their ears going LALALLALAAL

- Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)  

^these two fools think they know everything there is to know about love and... other things, Guy is no exception

-  Plastic Man (Patrick O'Brian) 

gives his "advice" then realizes how well that worked out for him in his own life...

- Booster Gold (Micheal Carter) 

will throw an arm around both boys for an uncle approach, ready to "educate" the young men, just ends up taking a punch *or two

- Beast Boy (Garfield Logan)

will go into listing his many past flings and flames, but his "advice" doesnt really get anywhere and honestly everybody is just confused 

- Starfire

gives a lore presentation about relationships from her home planet, sadly none of which can be applied to their situation

- Nightwing (Dick Grayson)      

will bud in just to tease Damian lol

- Red Hood (Jason Todd)                   

will bud in, also just to tease Damian 

- Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) 

I think he would start off with some good points, but would end up lecturing and getting too personal

- Lobo 

hero? antihero? not really a hero depending on writer? either way he 100% budges into the conversation and gives a speil about how to "get some"

- Oracle / Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) 

will try to steer the conversation to a more productive route, but ends up over analyzing every single possibility in compatibility and relationship metrics 

- Vixen (Mari McCabe)

tells the boys to be upfront and honest, inspiring them to be confident and self assured, and if their intended doesnt like that, too bad! get a new one

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now