24 | lunar eclipse

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The storm was heavy. Dust particles flew through the air. Ms. Blake, Derek and Dylan walked through the woods. She constantly had to brush her hair behind her ears to stop it from flying in her face. She eventually just gave up after multiple attempts and each one failing. Derek looked at the young skater with an apologetic look, saying he was sorry for dragging her into his mess. She sent him a look back saying it was okay. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it, reassuring her they were going to be okay and make it back home safe.

Ms. Blake was looking at her phone. On the screen read a countdown for the lunar eclipse. Twenty-nine minutes and counting. Her phone buzzed when she received a message. She stopped, causing the two werewolves beside her to stop too and glance over at her phone screen, watching the video that was sent to her.

"You see this symbol?" It was Scott, showing the clawed spiral that she remembered from Peter's story - Ennis clawed a spiral into the wall of the abandoned distillery. "It's a symbol of revenge. You talk about balance, about saving people. We know what you really want. And now you know where to find us."

The video shut off, she looked over at Derek and Dylan before the three headed off to the distillery to begin a fight with Deucalion and Scott. Which she wasn't excited for. She was trying to get in good with Scott and his pack. Fighting him was the complete opposite way to go about it. And Jennifer expected Dylan to use her full strength to fight them but she didn't even know what that was. She didn't know the extent of her strength. Just that she had a lot.

Derek, Ms. Blake and Dylan found their way to the distillery where Scott and Deucalion waited for them. Thunder stormed overhead. Coming out from the fog was a teacher, a grown man and a teenager. Also known as the Darach, a former Alpha and a strong Cohen beta werewolf. Scott was both shocked and angry to see Derek there. But just plain shocked to see Dylan. Deucalion tensed, as if he could sense she was there.

"What are you doing?" Scott asked then looked at Dylan. "And why did you drag Dylan along?"

Jennifer looked at her with a smirk on her face then turned back to Deucalion.

"This might be hard to believe," Derek started, "but I'm actually trying to help you."

"Ooh, like brother against brother," Deucalion said. Then his head cocked toward Dylan. "And Dylan along for the ride. I was wondering who would get to her first. Are you ready, Jennifer?" He folded up his stick and took off his jacket. "Hmm? Did you gather your herbs, pray to your ancient gods and your oak trees, slit a baby's throat, perhaps? Should we show them why you needed to sacrifice nine innocent people just to face me?" He slowly transformed himself into a werewolf. "Or is it twelve now?"

Dylan heard Jennifer's heart skip a beat when Deucalion properly transformed himself into a werewolf. His eyes glowed a more brilliant Alpha red than most and his face almost looked demon-like. It sent a shiver down Dylan's spine. And she saw her old childhood bully turn into a scaly reptile.

Derek twitched his head around as he transformed into his werewolf form, his eyes now shining a cold, steel blue instead of their brilliant red. He charged at Deucalion, swiping a hand that he grabbed, wrapping his long claws around. He swiped his other hand that he grabbed also. He bent his arms down, Derek trying to fight off his grip but failing tremendously.

Ms. Blake approached the two boys and used some of her Darach magic on Deucalion that didn't seem to work. With all due respect, Deucalion looked more like a monstrous ape than a werewolf. He grabbed the throats of Derek and Ms. Blake, both choking as he raised them in the air. He threw Ms. Blake, she went gliding across the ground. He dropped Derek. He swiped a clawed hand which Deucalion grabbed then threw him across the other side of the room, landing on a set of tires then falling onto some crates.

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