10 | the fight

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"He's dead. I can't believe he's dead..."

24 Hours Earlier

"Since inertia is a subject of which you all know plenty, why don't we start with momentum?" Mr. Harris said as he wrote on the chalkboard.

    After discussing the plan at Derek's and Scott intervening about how they shouldn't result to murder, which Dylan agreed with, sure, but she was sick of these Alpha's - they killed Erica, they tortured her, they locked up her and her friends, they wanted Derek to kill his betas which included her, but he wouldn't kill her because apparently they want her to join them, which she wasn't going to do, Dylan eventually went home with a pounding headache.

    She understood why Scott didn't want to result to killing them. But was there really any other choice? They were Alpha's. All of them. So, yeah, it was going to be a struggle but they needed to do something. Fight first. Fight fire with fire. Whatever you wanna call it. They needed to do something. They already made Derek kick Isaac out. And they weren't gonna stop there. That was for sure.

    She sat in science class, dreading it. But something she noticed was that the Whittemore twins were longer at school. Which was good. They moved to London after the fiasco last year. Isaac told her that they were fighting the Kanima then after killing him, he basically respawned and now he was a werewolf.

    Good for him, I guess.

    She wasn't really paying attention to Mr. Harris. Even though she should've been. She wasn't. She was too busy thinking over the plan Derek and the others came up with last night. That night, they were going after Deucalion and the Alpha's.

    For some reason, she was really giddy about it. Maybe because she was finally going to seek her revenge. Or maybe she was really looking forward to a fight.

    I am definitely fighting Kali.

    After she arrived home the night before, she had found out that Isaac left. He had a conversation with Scott and moved in with him. She was kind of upset about it because, well, he didn't tell her he was leaving, he just left. He told her he didn't want to be a burden because she's in such a big family. She assured him he wasn't but he just kept saying it was no big deal and that Scott was happy to have him.

    "Dylan," Mr. Harris said as he put the chalk down. She raised her head off her hand. "What do we know about momentum?" She stared blankly at him, confused. Mr. Harris waited for her to respond but she didn't. She didn't know the answer. "Danny." He turned to face Danny with his hands on his hips.

    The boy cocked his head back to look at Dylan. She lowered her head, allowing her red curly locks to cover her face. Then turned back to face Mr. Harris. "It's the product of mass and velocity. The more massive something is, the faster it's going."

    "That's correct." He looked at Dylan who kept her head low and turned back to the board. The bell rang and everyone began packing up their gear. "Do the reading on page one seventy-three." He sat down in his chair at his desk. Everyone began walking out of the classroom, Dylan behind everyone.

    "Dylan," Mr. Harris said as she draped a strap over one shoulder and began heading out of the classroom. She stopped by his desk, Mr. Harris raised his head and looked at her. "I know you've missed the first few weeks of school. And I know your struggles with learning so I am willing to be lenient but only for so long. You need to do the reading or you'll fail."

    Dylan nodded. "Thanks, Sir. I'll keep that in mind." Then she left. She plugged in her earphones and made her way to her locker. She opened it and grabbed out her maths textbook. As she closed her locker, she jumped when she saw Charlie standing beside her.

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