1 | isaac

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Present day : Three and a half months later

The last thing Isaac remembered before he passed out was being scratched by a couple of werewolves. He laid on the road, his chest heaving in and out slower and slower each time. Then he felt an electric shock that woke him right up. His heart beating ever much faster, his eyes threatening to turn their fluorescent golden colour. He struggled to remove the hands on his beaten chest.

    "Quiet," whispered, harshly, an older female standing over him. She shocked him one last time that woke him up for good. He groaned, running his hand over the bloodied scratches on his chest, his clothes ruined. Isaac's head fell against the ground, his hand stretched out beside him, claws at the road, but his claws wouldn't come out. He was too weak. So instead, it was just his nails.

    The dark haired girl hovering over him looked around her before grabbing his hands and lifting him off the ground. She put one of his arms around her shoulders. "Stay with me," she said. "We're almost there."

    Isaac, who was being dragged along by a strange girl who electrically shocked him to wake him up, felt the back of his neck. Blood, sets of claw marks. Dugged in his neck. "My neck," he muttered.

    "From their claws," she answered. "It's how they share memories."

    Isaac thought for a moment. "But I don't remember anything."

    "Also how they steal them," she explained.

    Steal? Why would anyone want to steal my memories?

    "Listen to me, no matter what happens you hold on, okay?" Isaac weakly nodded. "You hold on tight." The girl helped sit Isaac onto her motorcycle before getting on herself, lowering her helmet onto her head.

    She started up her motorcycle, the engine revving. Then she took off, driving down the dark alleyway. Isaac wasn't sure what memories the werewolves that attacked him would want. Then again, that was probably the whole point of taking away his memories.

    For almost four months, Isaac had been, non-stop, searching for his best friends; Dylan, Erica and Boyd. Him, Derek and Dylan's dad, Benjamin. Usually, Isaac wasn't allowed to go out alone, but tonight he did. Although now he wished he hadn't.

    Benjamin had told him and Derek the truth about Dylan and her "special power." That made them want to search for her more. Because everyone knew about her. And there was no doubt in any of their minds that the Alpha's would torture her to test the limitations of her power. And neither Isaac nor Derek wanted any harm for Dylan. Or Boyd or Erica.

    Isaac was struggling to hold on. He felt himself drift back into unconsciousness. The scratches were from Alphas, meaning they'd take a while to heal. And Isaac was feeling himself become weaker. But when his super hearing kicked in, he perked up. And suddenly, he didn't want to let go.

    "I hear something," he said as he found the strength to sit up straighter and grip a little tighter to hold on. "Someone's coming." Isaac cocked his head behind him. Nothing but a long, dark, foggy alleyway. He squinted his eyes. Coming out from the fog was a man about his age chasing him and the girl on foot. Isaac's eyes widened.

    The guy was a werewolf, Isaac knew that much. He snarled at them and whipped out his claws. Isaac definitely wasn't falling back into unconsciousness now. "Faster!" he shouted at the girl driving the motorcycle. And she complied. Driving off faster, leaving the guy in the wind.

    Isaac focused on staying on the motorcycle, feeling his wounds begin to heal. He was caught off guard when he looked to the other side of him, to his left, and saw the man once more. He waved his clawed hand and slashed at the bike, causing the girl to swerve to try and stay upright.

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