22 | saving cora

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Isaac drove around the carpark of the hospital until they lost the twins. Eventually, he just pulled up back beside the ambulance because he wasn't going to go anywhere without Scott. Dylan did think it was sweet, though, that he cared about him so much.

"You see the twins?" Isaac asked once he parked the car.

"No," Peter responded, looking around the car. "But I see the Argents."

Walking out from around the ambulance was, in fact, Allison and Chris. They paused beside the ambulance, chatting.

"Not to bring up uncomfortable memories," Isaac started, "but wasn't the last time you saw them the time you killed Kate and then they burned you alive, hmm?"

"Fond memories," Dylan commented.

They looked behind them in the back seat when they received no response and saw the back door open and Peter. Isaac and Dylan then got out of the car themselves.

"Where are the others?" Allison asked.

"I don't know," Isaac answered. "Scott and Stiles went back for Derek and Jennifer. I had to get Cora out."

No more words were uttered when a car pulled up beside Argent's. It was Derek.

"Where's Scott and Stiles?" Allison asked immediately.

"Stiles is still at the hospital," Derek said as he went around to Argent's car to grab Cora. Dylan opened the back door as he picked up her unconscious body, bridal style, taking her to his car. "He's gonna hold off the cops for us. We have to go right now."

"What about Scott and Melissa?" Argent asked.

Isaac opened the back door of Derek's car. "Jennifer took Melissa." Dylan's eyes widened.

"What about Scott?" Allison asked. Derek ignored her as he went around to the driver side of his car. "Derek, where's Scott?" He stopped and looked at her.

"He's gone with Deucalion."

He let his words sink in before he got in his car. Everyone stood in shock. Soon, Isaac got in the car too, sitting in the passenger seat. And Dylan got in the back with Cora's head on her lap. The car ride was silent until they reached the loft. Dylan stroked Cora's hair, staring down at her, watching her chest rise and fall unevenly as she fought for her life. Once arriving at the loft, Derek went around and grabbed Cora from Dylan and took her inside. He placed her gently on his bed as he sat beside it. Peter was already home, sitting on the spiral staircase. Dylan stood by the end of the bed with a hand over her mouth staring at Cora. And Isaac stood beside Derek.

Cora was still unconscious, gasping for air and heaving unevenly.

"She's dying, isn't she?" Isaac asked, already knowing the answer.

"I don't know," Derek responded quietly. Tears were evident in his eyes as he stared at the body of his dying sister. He didn't want to lose her again. He had only just got her back.

"Is there something we can do to help her?" Dylan asked sadly. She didn't want to lose her. Not now.

"I don't know," Derek repeated sadly.

"Want to figure something out?" Isaac said. "Because while Scott and Stiles were out there trying to help people from being killed, you were in here, rolling around the sheets with the actual killer." His voice rose in anger.

"Isaac--" Dylan tried to say but he cut her off.

"Do you get how many people she's killed?" he asked Derek who remained silent. "Erica and Boyd are dead, Cora is dying, and you are doing nothing!"

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