8 | chit-chat with deucalion

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Deucalion pulled up a chair and sat in front of Derek. Kali still had the pipe through Derek's back and Ennis, Dylan found out his name was, still had a hand around Cora's throat and another clawed hand in Dylan's stomach.

    "Sorry about this, Derek," Deucalion started. "I asked Kali to be gentle, but..."

    "This is me being gentle." She pushed the pipe harder through Derek, causing him to groan.

    "Let them go," he panted. The words barely met Dylan's ears, it was so quiet. Deucalion waved his hand and, after a few moments, Ennis let go of Cora's throat and removed his claws from Dylan's stomach.

    She coughed and groaned as she sat up and hunched over, pressed her hands against the wound Ennis left which should heal soon. Cora made her way over to Dylan, offering a comfort hand on her shoulder. She nodded at her, assuring she was okay.

    She then got up and began making her way over to Derek who spotted her almost immediately and shook his head, letting out a groggily groan. So she stopped in her tracks.

    "See?" Deucalion said. "We're not unreasonable."

    "What do you want?" Derek's head still hung low. "You want to kill me?"

    "You really think I'm that boring?" Deucalion questioned. "Don't throw me in with sociopaths like your Uncle."

    He sounded disgusted. Dylan didn't really know Derek's uncle, Peter. But from what she heard about him, he was an ass and no one really liked him. Not even Derek, really.

    "I'm a man with far more vision than simple murder. In fact..." He removed his glasses. "I'm here to show you just how much vision a blind man can have." He shone his red Alpha eyes at Derek which were nothing like Derek's or even Kali's. They were... different. More prudent. He was definitely the leader.

    Kali pushed a little harder, causing Derek to groan more, blood dripping from his mouth and the hole in his stomach.

    "You're killing him!" Cora shouted, stepping forward. Dylan knew she wanted to do something. But knew if she did, it wouldn't end well. For her nor Derek.

    Kali raised a hand, holding up a finger that was covered in blood. "Not yet, little sister. But I could." Cora ran her hands over her face, stressed and worried. Derek coughed up blood. Dylan felt her wound begin to heal and stood, making her way to stand beside Cora.

    "Who knows," Kali continued, "if it's five minutes or five hours before it's too late to take this thing out? But just to be on the safe side, Duke, you might want to get to the point."

    "Now you see the one problem with being in an Alpha pack," Deucalion spoke, "everybody wants to make the decisions. Me? I'm more about discovering new talents... Like you," he faced Derek. "And you, Dylan," he turned to Dylan, even though he didn't know where she stood. When speaking with Deucalion, you wouldn't think he was blind because even though he couldn't see, it was like he could.

    "Not interested," Derek groaned. "And neither is Dylan." She didn't want to speak so she just nodded her head, agreeing with Derek, even though Deucalion couldn't see her.

    "But you haven't even heard my pitch."

    "You want me to... kill my own pack." Derek struggled to get the words out, which made sense. His lips were covered in blood.

    "No. I want you to kill one of them," Deucalion clarified. He leaned forward. "Do that, and I won't have to ask you to kill the others. You'll do it on your own. I did it. Ennis did. Kali did. Tell him what it's like, Kali, to kill one of your own."

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