15 | making amends

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Dylan sat in a chair with her earphones on. Across from her sat the school's guidance counsellor, Ms. Morrell. She had been there for a few minutes, neither saying anything. "Can you remove your earphones, please?" Ms. Morrell gestured, her voice muffled.

    She removed her earphones letting them sit above her shirt, and paused her music on her phone. "Sorry." Dylan glanced at her once before looking away.

    Ms. Morrell flicked through Dylan's folder. "A C-minus in English, a D in French." She put the folder down to look at Dylan who threatened a quick glance as she twisted the wire of her earphones around her fingers.


    "Dylan, I think you can do better than this," Ms. Morrell told her.

    She shrugged. "If you say so."

    Ms. Morrell continued to look at the redhead across from her but Dylan didn't look at the guidance counsellor. She glanced down at the folder in front of her. "I know how difficult reading and learning is for you. Do you get headaches when you read?"


    Ms. Morrell hummed. She glanced over at the folder, skimming through it. "Most of your classes are a C-minus average with a few D's. Weren't you given a tutor last year?"


    Ms. Morrell nodded. "You only just barely passed sophomore year. And with these grades, you may have to repeat junior year."

    Dylan continued to look down and play with her earphone wire. Ms. Morrell closed the folder and cupped her hands in front of her on the table.

    "How's everything at home?"

    After the fight at Derek's and Boyd's death, Dylan didn't go home. She stayed at the loft with Cora for her and for herself. But she could barely sleep. Not after she witnessed another one of her best friends die at the hands of Kali.


    "Even though Charlie died?"

    Dylan flicked her head to meet Ms. Morrell's gaze. That night, she also received a text from Benjamin saying that Charlie died. How could she have known? "How did you know?"

    "Have you talked to your friends about it?" she asked the redhead, ignoring her inquiry. Dylan stayed quiet. Dylan's only friends involved Christopher, Tyler and Kasey who left last year and she hadn't heard from them since. Erica and Boyd who were both dead. Isaac who spent most of his time hanging with Scott and Allison. Derek who had been missing since Boyd's death. And Cora.

    "Have you talked to anyone - friends, family - about the four months you were missing? About your mother's death? Your fathers abandonment? Your friends' death? Your brother's death?"

    Dylan shook her head, causing a strain of hair to fall out of her messy bun. "C'est va bien."

    Ms. Morrell leaned back in her seat. "You've been doing the reading." C'est va bien was French for I'm fine. Something Dylan picked up when she couldn't sleep and decided to study, staring at the word in the textbook until it blurred.

    "Dylan, what is it gonna take for you to open up to me?" Ms. Morrell asked, annoyed that the girl wouldn't speak about her trauma like she was there to do. "What you've been through, what you're still going through, it's a lot for anyone. And it's okay to not be okay. But I can only help you if you're truthful, if you open up to me."

    Dylan looked at her. "I... I know. I'm... I'm being open." Ms. Morrell gave her an unbelievable look. "I'm being open," she said more confidently to try to convince her.

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