23 | powerless

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Derek was sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall below the window. After using all of his strength to cure Cora, he fell to the ground weakly and his heartbeat was beating slowly, almost dead. Dylan had helped him to lay against the wall and that was when Cora shot up from the bed, her body fuelling with the energy that was taken from Derek. Dylan had a smile form on her face when she saw Cora regain colour in her skin and she wiped the black blood from her lips.

Derek groaned groggily against the wall. Cora practically leapt off the bed to approach her brother. Dylan got a nice cold water bottle from the fridge in the kitchen and handed it to Cora who then tipped it in his mouth ever so slightly. He began to regain a little strength, gasping as his eyes weakly opened and then immediately landed on Cora.

"You're okay," he said, softly and weakly.

Cora smiled. "I'm doing much better than you are right now, and all because of you."

Dylan was crouched beside her with her hands on Cora's shoulders. She looked at her and smiled.

"Hopefully not all for nothing," Peter said, ruining the once hopeful mood as he stood by the table, staring out the window. "The moon is rising, Derek. You drained your battery all the way to the red, And there is a fully charged alpha on her way to rip you limb from limb."

"I'll be fine in a few hours," Derek said weakly.

"I sincerely hope so, because a few hours is all that you have."

Derek weakly glanced at his uncle before Cora tipped some more water in his mouth.


Hours had passed; Derek had regained some strength and energy but not enough to win a fight or even fight Kali. Derek and Peter were standing together in the loft, chatting about whatever the Hale men talked about. Dylan was sitting on Derek's bed that sat in the corner of the dark loft, picking at her fingers. Although Dylan wasn't close with the teenage pack, she was still worried for them. She had texted Isaac but hadn't heard anything yet. She hoped they found the parents.

Cora soon walked over to the young redhead and sat beside her.

"I'm really glad you're okay," Dylan said to the now healthy brunette. She sent her a small smile. "I was really worried. We all were."

"Well, I'm alive," she said as she reached over and grabbed Dylan's hand. She looked down at the hand over hers as she squeezed it. Her face lit up a bright crimson red, silently glad that it was too dark to see.

After Erica's death, she never thought she would let anyone else in. She knew from a young age that she wasn't totally straight but she still never opened herself up for anyone. The first person was Erica. And after she died, she closed herself off. But after getting to know more about the youngest Hale, she finally felt as if she could open up her heart again. And since she didn't die, it felt like a sign.

Dylan smiled brightly at the girl, staring deep into her perfect brown eyes. She was pulled from her gaze when the screech of the loft door opened and out stood Lydia and Ethan. "What are you two doing here?" Derek asked them both with his arms crossed over his chest.

"We're here to warn you," Ethan said. Dylan and Cora stood from the bed, standing just a few metres behind the two Hale boys. "Kali has plans to kill you."

"Yeah, tell us something we don't know," Dylan grumbled.

Ethan ignored the redhead's comment. "We know about the lunar eclipse. So don't think Kali's gonna sit around waiting for it to level the playing field. She's coming, and my brother's coming with her."

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