17 | back behind bars

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Dylan stood outside a convenience store, a backpack strapped across her back. She inhaled sharply before she walked inside. She scanned through the isles, looking for the food she wanted. She looked at the front desk and saw the only other person in the store was a guy who paid for his things then left.

    She closed her eyes for a moment as she gripped the gun that sat in the back of her pants. She made her way to the front counter and cocked the gun, pointing it at the guy behind the cash register's face. His eyes widened at the gun in his face. He tried not to tremble but there wasn't much to do when he had a gun in his face.

    "Put all the cash on the counter," she said, calmly and coldly. "Right now."

    The boy complied. He slowly opened the cash register, beginning to pull out the cash. Dylan looked up at the security tv. Her face showed no emotion.

    Dylan looked at the door when she heard the bell ring. Someone had walked in but they looked as if they hadn't seen what was going on. They went off trailing down to the fridges. She turned back to the man, watching him place the cash on the counter. Dylan could hear the tapping of someone's phone dialling nine-one-one.

    "Is that all of it?" she asked, seeing the money placed on the counter.

    "Yes, yes. That's all of it," he quickly said, his hands slightly raised. Dylan glanced at the money then once more at the security tv. Still, her face was void of all emotions.

    She unstrapped one strap of her backpack. She picked up the pile of cash and looked at it. Then, off in the distance, she could hear sirens closing in on the convenience store. And before she knew it, they were right outside. She looked behind her at the person who had walked in, they quickly glanced away.

    A few Sheriff vehicles parked outside. "Come out with your hands up," said Sheriff Stilinski through a megaphone.

    With a cold stare, Dylan turned to the guy behind the counter. His hands, still raised in the air, were trembling. She sighed as she exited the convenience store, leaving the cash behind, which probably confused the guy.

    Her hands were raised as she left the store. Sheriff Stilinski had his gun in the air, ready to shoot if he needed. But when he saw Dylan, and saw how defeated she looked, he lowered his gun and approached her.

    "Dylan," he said with slight disappointment. He shook his head. She hadn't gotten herself in trouble in so long and he thought she was changing. While disappointed, he was also confused why she had a bag; he knew she always had help but she seemed to be alone now.

    "Hand them over," he said to her with his hand out. She passed him the gun and the bag. "In the car." She made her way over to his Sheriff's vehicle and hopped in the back. Parrish, a deputy, came out and grabbed her gear. Then Sheriff Stilinski headed to his vehicle and began driving back to the Sheriff's station.

    "Dylan, what happened?" he asked, the first thing that had been said within a few minutes. He had been too disappointed in finding her robbing a convenience store clerk to speak to her. "I thought..." He sighed, shaking his head slightly.

    Dylan didn't need super senses to sense his frustration toward her. He couldn't even form a proper sentence. He hadn't arrested Dylan since last year. He wasn't even put on alert at all during the new year. Because he thought it was over. He thought, since she was semi-friends with Scott and Stiles now - or at least had found ones that were good influences for her - she was done. That she had moved on from her bad behaviour and was ready for a change.

    The rest of the car ride was silent. He couldn't express his dissatisfaction in words. Dylan just stared out the back window the whole time, thinking to herself. Once they arrived at the Sheriff's station, Dylan followed behind Stilinski toward the cells.

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