2 | hospital mishap

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Scott was in the middle of class when a teacher came in and told him he was needed at the hospital. He wasn't sure why, but if his mother was calling him in the middle of school saying he needed to go to the hospital ASAP, he knew it was important.

    Once he arrived at the hospital, his mother was waiting for him outside. "Mum, what is it?" he asked her. Before walking into the hospital, he informed her about Isaac and his condition. She told him Isaac and a girl arrived last night badly injured, attacked by Alpha's.

    "Why did you tell me before?" he asked her as they began walking into the hospital. Scott was hurt that his mother kept such a secret from him.

    "Honestly, I was hoping I didn't have to," she replied calmly.

    Scott didn't understand. "What do you mean?"

    "Everything that you've been doing; the extra reading, the summer school, saving up for the bike - even though it scared me half to death. Honey, I just didn't want to disrupt a good rhythm."

    Scott placed a hand on his mother's shoulder, stopping her. He understood where she was coming from, but he had to reassure her that he had changed. "It's not gonna stop. I'm gonna be better this year. A better student, a better son, a better friend, a better everything. I promise."

    Melissa exhaled a relieved sigh. "Okay." She smiled. "He's in room two-fifteen if he isn't already in surgery."

    "Okay. Thank you." He kissed his mum on the cheek before heading down the hall, to the elevator. He hoped Isaac hadn't gotten into surgery yet because he knew the surgeons would be confused by the sudden healed wounds on his body.

    He got to the elevator and pressed two, the floor he wanted to go to. He exhaled deeply as the doors began closing. Once they were only inches apart, a stick blocked it from closing, so it started to reopen. Scott grabbed the door, helping to open it. In walked a blind older man with sandy blonde hair.

    The man walked in and asked Scott if he would be so kind to press the button for the second floor. Scott obliged, seeing as how that was the exact floor he was going to as well. Then the doors closed. Scott waited for arrival in complete fear that Isaac had only been sent to surgery. He wasn't even sure how to explain it.

    Once the doors opened, he went to take a step out when the man spoke up. "You wouldn't mind helping me out for a second, would you?"

    "Uh..." Before he could respond, the man placed a hand on his shoulder. Scott was in a hurry but he was too nice to dismiss helping out a blind man. "Sure." He led him out of the elevator and to his desired destination, moving slower than he wanted.

    Once Scott was able to shack the man off, he went straight to Isaac's hospital room, only to find it empty. He was already in surgery. He went to the surgical room, also finding it empty, except for the surgeons.

    "Can I help you?" one of them asked.

    "Yes," Scott responded. "Um, I'm looking for, um, a friend. Isaac Lahey? He was supposed to be having surgery... right now."

    "That joker?" He scoffed. "He didn't even need surgery."

    "Oh. Okay. Thank you." Scott left. He was worried something like that was going to happen. He searched through the hospital looking for where he could be. He went back to his hospital room; empty.

    Where could he be?

    He frantically searched the hospital, unable to find him. He turned down corner and corner, coming up blank every single time. He searched each room that he passed, each hall that he came across but still nothing. He turned down another corridor and saw a man in a surgeon uniform pushing a wheelchair.

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