6 | dylan

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Benjamin was beyond furious with Allison. As much as he didn't want to watch three teenage, Beta werewolves dig into another teenage werewolf and an Alpha, he wanted, even less, for Dylan to be out during the full moon. He always had a fond hatred for the Argent's, because of Gerard and what he did to Will. But Allison took the cake.

    After finding out the vault was made with a mineral called hecatolite that scatters the moonlight, he left the loft, unable to stay there another second. Not knowing how much danger his daughter was really in. She had been trapped in the vault for four months. Three full moons passed and not once felt its effects.

    With her werewolf gene, it made it much more dangerous. Her power created for a more ruthless and bloodthirsty anger that wasn't really felt on other werewolves, especially bitten werewolves. On the food chain, you could say at the bottom was bitten werewolves, in the middle was non-triggered born-gene werewolves, like the Hales. And at the top, one's like Dylan and Will.

    In his time, Benjamin had witnessed, first hand, the aggression they held. And Dylan definitely inherited his aggression. He knew that before she even triggered her curse. And after triggering it made it much worse.

    Benjamin wasn't sure where to look. He wasn't sure what Dylan would find most comfort in. He opted for checking the woods first, though. Seeing as how she was a fury, four-legged creature running rabid in the middle of the night. Beacon Hills Preserve sounded like the best place to begin his search.

    He searched the woods, constantly calling out for his daughter. She wasn't going to answer, and he knew that, but he thought - and needed to hope - that if he called her name, maybe something would snap inside her and she could get in touch with her human side.

    The deeper he trailed into the woods, the more worried he grew. His daughter was alive. She was... as okay as she could be. But now, she was lost in the woods in her werewolf form with no one to guide her. Feeding off four full moons. It didn't leave much room for hope.

    It was too dark for Ben to see anything. And the woods surrounded half of Beacon Hills. It was a small town. There weren't many places for her to roam. Her animalistic instincts would say roam the woods. It was how he found her all those months ago after she turned. But she could be anywhere. Feeding off any instinct.

    As he wandered deeper into the woods, searching every which way for his four legged daughter, his human instincts kicked in and he heard snapping, the sounds of twigs snapping under heavy feet. He paused in his steps, flicking his head around. The twig snapping only got louder, resulting in Benjamin gripping his gun loaded with wolfsbane bullets - he's extra cautions, and he had to be in the world he lived in - that was stuffed in the back of his jeans.

    He whipped it out and pointed straight at the footsteps heading his way, his finger hovering over the trigger, ready to shoot. That was until he realised it was Isaac. Benjamin sighed in relief.

    "Were you gonna shoot me with... with a gun?" Isaac questioned, eyeing the gun in his best friends fathers hands.

    Ben huffed as he shoved it back into his jeans. "Wolfbane gun," he corrected. Isaac's eyes widened. "What are you doing out here, anyway? I thought you needed rest or something?"

    "I was," he responded. "I'm here to help." He grinned brightly. Benjamin cocked a brow. "Dylan is my friend. All right? And I feel... partially responsible for her getting captured."

    Benjamin was taken slightly aback. The only friends Dylan had were Christopher, Tyler and Kasey and they were always stealing and breaking into houses. Sure, werewolves were no better. But he knew the kids she had befriended were, well, one, her age, and two, not bad people.

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