7 | guess who's home

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"Erica... she's dead."

    "It's okay," Isaac whispered through her hair, rubbing the back of her head. "It's okay." Dylan tightened her grip around Isaac. She hadn't realised how much she missed him. How much she missed him and Benjamin and Derek. Even her family. But she was finally home.

    Dylan pulled back from the hug. She looked around her surroundings and saw she was in her biological fathers bunker. Then she looked at herself and realised she was dirty and naked. "Um. I need clothes," she said awkwardly.

    "Right. Yes." Benjamin removed his jacket and handed it to her. "Here you go." She smiled at him as she took the jacket. She stood as she put the jacket on. It was Ben's so it covered just above her knees.

    After four months, she was finally out of that vault. And standing before her was her dad and her best friend, two people she really missed. But she did wonder where Derek was. 

    Wait. Wait. 

    "Where's Boyd and Cora? Are-- are they okay?"

    "They're fine. They're fine," Isaac assured. "Derek and Scott are taking care of them." Dylan sighed in relief. She didn't remember much after running out of the vault and turning. She remembered following Boyd and Cora into the woods but after that, they separated. She ran off in one direction while Cora and Boyd went in the other.

    "Come on, sweetie," Benjamin said as he walked over to her and placed an arm around her shoulder. "Let's go home." She nodded. She climbed up the ladder after Isaac and Benjamin, meeting them in the middle of the woods. Then she followed them back to Benjamin's car.

    He first dropped off Isaac at Derek's new loft where he was apparently staying then he drove back to the Hawke residence. She was nervous to go back home. She hadn't been home in four months after she ran away. She wasn't sure how they were going to react. They probably thought she died. Do they even know? About her? What had Ben told them during those four months she was held captive by the Alpha's?

    Benjamin pulled up to the driveway of their home. Dylan sat in the car, staring at the house. She could hear Lucinda, the boys and Kayla in the house. Dylan's mind swarmed with thoughts of how they were going to react. She was wearing nothing but Benjamin's jacket. Her hair was messy, she was dirty. And she'd been missing for four months. How was she going to explain any of it?

    Ben looked at her. "Are you ready?" She exhaled deeply as she nodded. Then her and Ben hopped out of his car and toward the front door of their house. Everyone was in the kitchen, Lucinda was making breakfast while the kids were around the table.

    Dylan stood by the front door and watched as the kids gorged themselves on the breakfast their mother was making them. All eyes turned to the previously missing redhead when Lucinda paused midway putting down a plate of bacon on the kitchen table and her eyes met Dylan's. Lucinda, Charlie, Elijah, Kayla and even Austin - though completely clueless - all turned their gaze to her.

    "Dylan!" Kayla shouted with glee as she stood from her seat, which scraped loudly across the floor, and ran to Dylan, wrapping her arms around her waist and almost making her fall. Lucinda and Elijah soon ran over to her as well.

    Dylan didn't realise how much she would be missed. Maybe running away wasn't such a good idea after all. "I am so glad you're home," Lucinda told her as she hugged her.

    "Yeah. Me too," she whispered. Dylan pulled back from the swarms of hugs.

    "Where have you been?" she asked her. Lucinda looked her up and down. "What happened to your clothes? Why are you covered in dirt? And--"

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