5 | attack of the three werewolf teens

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Derek and Scott followed Stiles' map and found themselves standing outside where the men who robbed the bank years ago entered from. Derek was ready. He was going to go in, and if needed, he was going to fight some Alpha's. Because if it meant his life for theirs, he would do it. Even if Erica was dead, there were still two other kids, plus another who he wasn't sure who they were but they were still an innocent kid.

    Standing there, mentally preparing himself, he noticed Scott acting off. "What?" he asked, angrily.

    "There's just something I can't get out of my head," Scott told him, calmly.

    "The moon's rising, Scott. What is it?" Derek wasn't having it. He didn't care what nonsense was holding Scott back. Scott liked to figure things out before charging into a battle, not Derek. He'd just charge in, head first. Shoot first, ask questions never.

    "Risk and reward," he simply answered.

    "Which means what?"

    "We're not measuring the risk with enough information. We don't know enough."

    "We know time's running out." And he didn't want to stand there anymore. He wanted to save his Betas. Fight some Alpha's if he had to. Not stand there and chit-chat with an overly conscious teenager.

    "Yeah, but think about it," Scott continued. "They put the triskele on your door four months ago. What have they been doing all this time? Why wait until now?"

    "We don't have the time to figure out every little detail."

    "Okay, but what if this detail - the reason why they waited - what if it's the most important one?"

    "Then we do nothing. And Boyd and Erica and Dylan are dead. I know what I'm risking. My life for theirs." Derek gave him one last glance before he jumped and climbed up the ladder. He paused to look at Scott. "And I won't blame you if you don't follow me."

    Derek didn't wait for a response, he continued to climb the ladder. Scott seemed to contemplate his options. And it didn't take him long to follow after him. With Scott behind him, Derek reached the entrance. He raised his fist and punched through the cement wall around five times before it cracked and broke. A loud band echoed through their ears and Derek rolled into the vault. Scott just walked in behind him.

    Scott and Derek watched as Boyd exited from behind a thick pole. "Boyd?" Derek called out, his voice vibrating off the walls. "Boyd? It's me, Derek." He slowly rose to his feet. Boyd didn't say anything, didn't move. He just growled.

    The sound of Scott's phone ringing could be heard through the room. "Stiles, now is not the best time." Derek didn't bother listening in. Boyd was there. He was alive. He needed to see if Dylan and/or Erica were too.

    "Where's Dylan?" Derek asked. Another growl could be heard walking out from behind Boyd. It was Dylan. Her red locks were a mess, covering her face. Derek saw that her fists were clenched and blood was dripping out. She was trying to fight the effects of the moon. Benjamin had told him the truth about Dylan and her powers. She didn't want to turn. She was trying to fight it.

    "We're here to get you out, okay?" Derek told the two growling werewolves. Dylan's eyes caught sight of the light of the moon coming through the massive hole Derek punched through the vault.

    "Derek, you need to leave," Dylan told him, her head down, but he knew the effects were already taking on her.

    "Derek, we got a problem, a really big problem," Scott said to Derek after his phone call with Stiles. Derek's head flicked back to the two teens when a third growl was heard. He had hope that it was Erica, but that hope died and turned to immediate shock.

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