Seventy-Seven| The Entire World

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Nothing ever felt missing from my life.

Yes, the royal duties were suffocating and the events grew tiring.

But nothing was out of place.

If anything, everything had a place.

But now...

Nothing has a place.

But only because she takes the place of everything—the sky, the ocean, and everything in between.

She fills the emptiness I never knew existed.

The suffocating duties, the monotonous events, they all fade because the world shrinks to the space she occupies.

It's a terrifying freedom, this dependence on another soul.

But compared to the hollowness before, it's a terrifying freedom I wouldn't trade.

- Azzy

Chapter Seventy-Seven: The Entire World

"Your silence isn't helping my nerves right now."

Renata nodded, letting out a deep sigh, "It's just you woke up a few hours ago, and I didn't think it was a good time to discuss this," she explained, gently running her hands up and down my back.

I only shook my head, "I'll be okay, besides, it's already a topic now," I said, hoping for once she would loop me in, instead of keeping things from me.

Renata nodded a few times to herself, looking between my eyes as if she were taking in the last few moments of silence.

The last moments of bliss.

Until she said—

"I have to leave."

Automatically I tilted my head, furrowing my brows as I processed her words, "What do you mean leave?" I asked, not fully understanding what leaving entailed to.

Renata pursed her lips, "Like leave Lyon and go underground for a little while," she fully explained, and almost as soon as I felt my face drop, she said, "It would only be until we catch Elle—"

"But you don't have to leave to do that, we can figure something out," I cut her short, finding the entire idea insane.

Renata sighed, "It's not that simple, Azura—she's already sent over twenty people in the last three days. Eli and my team have been handling more bodies than they can count," she said, easily making me grimace, especially at the idea of killing anyone.

Much less handling their body.

I'm supposed to be Queen—someone who follows law and order.

Someone who hears something like this and has the killer arrested on the spot.

But instead, I'm doing the entire opposite.

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