Thirty-Two | Big Requests

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They always described it as butterflies taking flight, but to me, I always imagined it would feel like a flock of tiny hummingbirds.

Their wings a blur of iridescent green as they zipped around my insides.

The source of this delightful chaos?

A woman, someone with a laugh that could melt even the most stoic royal guard and eyes that held the mystery of a Parisian night.

Our first encounter wouldn't be a grand ball with its forced posture and awkward small talk.

No, it would be tucked away in a hidden Parisian cafe, one whispered about by artists and dreamers.

Sunlight would filter through ivy-covered windows, dappling the walls with emerald light.

Cobblestone streets would hum with the gentle murmur of conversation.

We'd find a corner table nestled amidst overflowing bookshelves and mismatched chairs, the scent of freshly brewed coffee a warm invitation.

Conversation would flow like a jazz improvisation, punctuated by bursts of laughter echoing off the exposed brick walls.

Each shared discovery, each passionate opinion, would be like another note added to the melody, building a rhythm all of our own.

Over steaming cups of hot chocolate, whipped cream clinging to our noses, we'd steal shy glances across the table.

Time would melt away as we delved deeper, between the bites of flaky croissants, a touch of powdered sugar dusting our fingertips, we'd share dreams whispered only to the Parisian night sky and secrets tucked away in the dusty corners of our hearts.

Dating as a princess was a tightly woven tapestry of protocol and expectations.

Yet, in the quiet sanctuary of my mind, I allowed myself to dream.

To imagine a connection that defied tradition, a melody composed not by duty but by laughter, stolen moments, and the exhilarating feeling of being truly seen by another soul.

- Azzy

Chapter Thirty-Two: Big Requests

The room was bright—so unbelievably bright as the harsh rays of the sun flooded in amongst the soft blue sky.

I was at the beautiful peak of well-rested as I laid up from the soft bed—carefully rubbing my tired eyes.

And as I glanced around the large room with last night coming back to me in waves—I realized a certain presence was missing by my side.

I also noticed how late in the day it looked.

What time could it be?

I glanced over to my phone, gently tapping the screen which illuminated with the time—

10:36 am

A soft sigh fell from my lips determining that I hadn't slept in too long.

I glanced back over to the empty bed, hating that I felt disappointed by the lack of Renata's presence.

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