Thirty-Nine | Talking Business

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This morning felt different.

Like waking up after a heavy snowfall, the world hushed and blanketed in an unfamiliar kind of white.

Except, I didn't feel cold, instead I felt-


Sun-drenched, even.

Like a thousand tiny butterflies had taken control in my chest, their wings a constant, fluttering thrum against my ribs.

It's strange.

Renata had left for the office an hour ago, yet, her touch lingers on my skin, a ball of warmth that chases away the morning chill. 

Is this what they call an afterglow? 

Because to me it feels like more than just a warm ball of a fire.

It's like a dam has broken within me, a current of emotions rushing out, each one brighter, more vivid than the last.

Usually, these were emotions I'd only witnessed in hushed whispers and stolen glances.

Like teenagers passing notes in class, their faces flushed with a secret language I couldn't quite decipher.

Now, with Renata, it's as if an artist has flung a can of paint at the canvas.

The colors are a dizzying blend-sweeping me up in the beautiful art piece we created together.

Is this too much?

Am I allowing myself to be swept away by a current I don't fully understand? 

Renata is a whirlwind, a force of nature, and for the first time, I don't want to hide from the storm.

But a part of me wonders if my emotions burn too intensely for her.

If I'm falling too deep.

Especially after how back and forth I've experienced her to be.

Yet this all feels so right.

We feel so right.

She feels like the answer to everything I've ever searched for my entire life.

I just hope she's the correct one.

- Azzy

Chapter Thirty-Nine: Talking Business

"You finally got deflowered?"

I shushed my loud best friend, gently shoving him into the elevator that dinged open, "Please, say it louder, Toni," I said, sarcasm laced in my voice as we entered the empty elevator.

"I wish I could-finally you got some action, Azzy," Antonio subtly wiggled his brows at me, "Tell me, on a scale of one to ten-"

"Toni I'm not rating her!" I laughed out, shyly tucking my long strands of pink hair behind my ear as he clicked the highest floor on the elevator.

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