Forty-Six | The Brink

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Renata is a wildfire.

I know wildfires are dangerous, capable of scorching everything in their path.

But with her, the danger is intoxicating.

It's like standing a breath too close to the flames, the heat licking at my skin, the smoke stinging my eyes.

Yet, I can't tear myself away.

It's an impatience that burns, a constant thrumming under my skin.

I crave her presence, her touch, her warmth—with an urgency that both terrifies and excites me.

It's a beautiful kind of madness, this all-consuming passion.

It makes me reckless, wanting to dive headfirst into the burning fire of her, consequences be damned.

But somewhere deep down, a flicker of caution remains.

Because wildfires, no matter how alluring, can leave nothing but ashes in their wake.

- Azzy

Chapter Forty-Six: The Brink

It was the quickest I had ever run.

Hand-in-hand with Renata by my side as we impatiently made our way through the palace halls lingering with guards and nosy palace staff.

Our clothes were undoubtedly drenched and our faces were flushed with anticipation—our minds buzzing with nothing but scenarios of each other.

"Renata," I nearly giggled as she pressed me against our bedroom door.

She only hummed, leaning back into me for another kiss—which felt so perfectly warm after running back to the palace through the chilly air.

"Shower—let's take a shower," Renata murmured against my lips.

I nodded almost rapidly, suddenly pressing away from the door and backing Renata toward the bathroom.

A hum fell from my lips as soon as she nipped at my bottom lip, sliding her warm tongue perfectly into my mouth.

I drew my arms around her waist, finally passing the threshold into the attached bathroom.

Just like that, Renata was pulling away from the kiss to turn on the shower, immediately filling the glass walls with steam.

I tugged my damp sweater off—along with my pants before moving onto my undergarments, which I had off in a matter of seconds.

My skin trickled with goosebumps, suddenly exposed to the chilly air and Renata's dark stare that carefully remained on me as she slid her bra off last.

She looked naturally beautiful with her tan skin revealed for every inch of my eyes to claim.

"Beautiful," Renata murmured, taking an impatient step towards me as her eyes ran down my exposed body.

A smile unconsciously grew on my lips at her genuine words, leaning into her ear as I whispered, "You always take my breath away, Ma Chéri."

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