One | Cherry-Stained Hands

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The sun felt warmer than usual today, its golden rays enveloping me in a gentle embrace as I sat by the stream.

The tranquility of the countryside surrounded me, each blade of grass whispering secrets of the earth as the stream danced with the melody of nature.

Today, within the simplicity of this hidden gem, I found peace—a rare moment despite the duties that weigh upon my shoulders.

It was the simplicity of it all that struck me—the stream, a testament to the beauty of creation, a reminder that within the chaos of my royal obligations, there exists a world untouched by the burdens of monarchy.

As I skipped rocks across the glistening surface, each rippling a silent echo of my thoughts, I found myself yearning for something more, something beyond the confines of this kingdom.

There is a longing within me, an insatiable desire for a life beyond the palace walls.

It is not the crown that weighs heavy upon my head, but the weight of expectation, the suffocating embrace of tradition and duty. In the depths of my soul, I seek something elusive, something intangible—a taste of freedom, a glimpse of the world beyond my royal upbringing.

Like a butterfly fluttering in the breeze, I wish to spread my wings and soar into the unknown, to embrace the exhilaration of life's simple pleasures.

And yet, amidst the tranquility of this hidden oasis, I am reminded that even here, in the heart of nature, the shadows of my royal obligations weigh heavy.

- Azzy

Chapter One: Cherry-Stained Hands

"You're not listening."

I chuckled softly, the sound echoing through the grand palace kitchen as Antonio told me tales of the latest palace gossip.

Cherries danced between my fingers, their ruby hues a stark contrast against the polished marble countertops.

"There's an exquisite new guard," Antonio continued, his voice a playful melody amidst the quiet hum of the palace. "He looked at you three times and picked up your phone twice—"

"Accidentally," I interjected, a mischievous twinkle dancing in my eyes as I popped another cherry into my mouth.

Antonio rolled his eyes, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "And you wonder why they call you the Queen of Distractions."

I feigned offense, a dramatic gasp escaping my lips as I reached for another cherry. "I'll have you know, I find myself nowhere near distracting," I teased, my fingers stained with the remnants of cherries.

I was never trying to be distracting, plenty of men and women flocked naturally to me without me as so much as saying one word.

"Well, I could only hope to be as distracting as you. That new guard looks awfully yummy," Antonio jokingly nudged me, easily earning a few giggles from me.

As our light conversation continued, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the thought of our upcoming separation.

In just a few hours, I would be boarding a plane with my parents, bound for New York and the complexities of international diplomacy.

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