Fifty-Seven | All Hail The Queen

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The air in the palace thrums with a nervous energy, mirroring the frantic butterflies in my stomach.


Today is the day.

The culmination of countless years of whispered lessons, stiff etiquette drills, and the weight of a lineage tracing back centuries.

Today, I, Azura, become Queen.

Back then, the crown seemed a distant, mythical thing, as real as the constellations I devoured on stargazing nights.

But here it was finally before me in the form of a lost star ready to return home and settle upon my brow.

It was a symbol of power, responsibility, and the legacy I was about to inherit.

And for once, I found myself feeling more ready than in all my years of anticipating such a stressful day.

It was an odd tranquility.

Almost as if a weight had lifted, replaced by a quiet acceptance.

Like a river finally reaching the sea, all the years of preparation had flowed into this moment, leaving behind a strange calmness in its wake.

Perhaps it was the tangible presence of the crown, no longer a distant dream but a weight I could almost feel in my hands.

The duty, once abstract and daunting, now felt real and manageable, a challenge I was ready to embrace.

Yes, the butterflies remained, a fluttering testament to the day's importance, yet now they were joined by a newfound sense of confidence.

This isn't about becoming Queen.

The crown is merely a symbol.

Instead, today is about stepping into my role as a leader, something I've always been destined for.

- Azzy

Chapter Fifty-Seven: All Hail The Queen

I carefully ran my fingers down the soft white dress falling down my body, which spilled away from my waist in beautiful silky layers.

A white lace peaked through under the silk layers while the corset clung to my body, held up by the straps resting off my shoulders.

As my father promised, the gown arrived just in time for my coronation.

And it turned out to be the simplest of all the gowns I had tried on, which made me love it even more.

Especially with my wavy pink hair flowing down my back and in perfect curls while my face remained coated in a natural amount of makeup.

For once, I felt like my truest self.

Like the reflection before me in the mirror was exactly who I'm supposed to be.

And it was exactly what I needed on the day of my coronation.

It was odd that I dreaded such a day, and now that I'm standing here, minutes from becoming Queen—I had never felt more at ease.

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