Fifty-Five | Azure

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They say life for a princess is a beautifully knit blanket—woven with galas, state dinners, and world-changing decisions. 

Perhaps that's true for some, but for me, happiness feels more like a collection of mismatched buttons. 

 Each one, chipped, imperfect, holding a memory within its worn surface.

A sunrise over the palace roof, casting a golden glow on the dusty tomes in the library. 

The satisfied sigh after finally conquering a particularly stubborn macaron recipe. 

The sprinkle of rain on my skin, a fleeting moment of cool against the summer heat. 

These are the buttons I gather, the tiny, beautiful moments that stitch together the fabric of my joy.

And it feels as if I'm gathering the most unique buttons with Renata by my side.

The way her eyes sparkle when they fall on me, the warmth of her hand holding mine as we walk through the palace gardens.

The sudden fluttering in my chest when she smiles at me, a feeling far more thrilling than any grand ball. 

 These, my dearest diary, are the rarest buttons of all. 

They shimmer with a beauty I never knew existed, and with Renata by my side, I can't wait to see what other beautiful mismatched buttons our future holds.

- Azzy

Chapter Fifty-Five: Azure

Renata's body was so warm and soft against mine, holding me in possibly the deepest hug of my life.

Her hand rested so protectively at the back of my head while her arm remained secured tightly around my waist, holding me as close as possible.

It almost felt like she was some kind of shield, hiding me away from the world.

Especially with the air between us filled with such a comfortable silence, basking in the aftermath of our night.

Specifically, the heart-to-heart that it felt like we just had.

At least I know all of this isn't about trust.

She does trust me.

So that only leaves me with what this could regard, and why she feels the need to hide it from me.

One more day and the answer will finally be mine.

"Have you eaten?" Renata suddenly asked.

I shook my head, feeling too tired to speak, especially with her gentle caress against my bare back and her legs tangled with mine.

"You have to eat something before you go to sleep baby," Renata said, suddenly pulling her hand away from my back.

I sighed when she pulled away from me slightly, "I'm fine," I assured her.

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