Twenty-Eight | The Aftermath

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The pink embossed envelope felt heavy in my eight-year-old hands, a stark contrast to the usual weightless official mail that landed with a dull plop in my hands.

This one, though, practically begged to be opened.

It wasn't addressed to Her Royal Highness Princess Azura in the usual elegant script, but simply to 𝒜𝓏𝓊𝓇𝒶 in a loopy, unfamiliar cursive that sent a thrill of curiosity through me.

For the first time ever, I bypassed the stack of pronouncements and invitations, their importance suddenly dimmed by the mystery of this unexpected letter.

My heart thumped a set of questions against my ribs:

Who could it be for?

Was it for a lady-in-waiting, perhaps?

Or maybe an oversight by a new servant?

But no, the name was clearly meant for me.

With trembling fingers, I peeled back the seal, a burst of glitter erupting from within like a miniature supernova.

It rained down onto my shiny flats in a sparkling cascade, momentarily distracting me before my gaze landed on the source—

A lopsided crown crafted from construction paper and adorned with macaroni jewels.

It was unlike anything I'd ever seen before, yet in its humble imperfection, it held a strange kind of magic.

Nestled beneath the crown was a note written in the same loopy handwriting that had addressed the envelope.

The message was brief but heartfelt, declaring me the prettiest princess the girl named Charlotte had ever seen.

A warmth bloomed in my chest, a feeling far more precious than any compliment I'd received at stuffy royal functions.

Here, in this wobbly crown and this heartfelt note, was a connection that was larger than the palace walls.

It was a reminder that somewhere, beyond the gilded gates, a little girl dreamt of me, not just as Princess Azura, but simply as Azura, a girl who could inspire and be admired.

The macaroni crown, slightly crooked and missing a jewel, became my most treasured possession.

It wasn't made of gold or diamonds, but it held the weight of something far more valuable—

A genuine connection.

A reminder of the world that existed beyond the palace, a world where I wasn't just a princess, but a girl with a heart that beat to the same rhythm as others.

The smile that bloomed on my face was a promise I tucked away with the macaroni crown, a promise to remember the girl who sent me my first ever fan mail—and showed me genuine kindness.

- Azzy

Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Aftermath

The tile was cold—practically sending shivers through my body as I remained kneeling in front of the toilet.

Renata gently held my ponytail back while she remained seated next to me with her heels beside her, which seemed to be flung off to the side in the rush of the moment.

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