Fourteen | Powerful Partnership

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There's a duality to this life, a cruel dance between burden and blessing. 

The weight of the crown, undeniable, carves deeply into my spirit. 

Yet, to deny it would be to deny the extraordinary things it affords.

The power to uplift those in the shadows, a glimmer of hope for the voices oppressed. 

The chance to inspire a generation of young girls, whispering dreams of possibility in their ears.

These are the glimmers of sunlight that pierce the heavy cloak of duty.

Gratitude, a fragile flower, blooms among the thorns. 

 There's a purpose in this path, a chance to make a difference. 

The prospect of the Queen's mantle, the authority to shape laws and champion causes, fuels my purpose. 

 My mind already buzzes with a list of changes, a symphony of good waiting to be conducted.

The pressure, the stifling weight, the suffocating expectations—it's all so minuscule in comparison to the transformative power I hold within my grasp. 

For when it comes to reshaping the world, no sacrifice is too great. 

The crown, a gilded cage, can also be a gilded key. 

- Azzy

Chapter Fourteen: Powerful Partnership

"That should work," I said as I continued typing on my laptop, sitting in the familiar office that sat at the highest heights in New York.

Renata hummed, her dark eyes focused on her own screen as she typed a few more details down.

And as the reoccurring silence settled around us for what felt like the tenth time today, I glanced at the time on my laptop, noticing I needed to leave soon if I planned to meet Elle.

"Do you mind carrying this into tomorrow? I have another meeting in thirty minutes," I said as I gently closed my laptop and met her dark eyes, which seemed to flicker to mine.

The woman nodded once, but in a noticeably reluctant manner, "I was informed. Word travels fast in the business world," she said, slowly closing her laptop and casting her full attention onto me.

I furrowed my brows, trying to determine what that meant.

How did everyone already know that I had a meeting scheduled with Elle?

"People talk—assistants, colleagues, press," Renata suddenly said, noticing the confusion etched onto my face.

I nodded almost hesitantly, "Right," I whispered mostly to myself as I stood from the chair with my laptop in hand, having a clear agenda to exit her office.


My actions faltered, suddenly turning back around to face her, "Yes?" I said, allowing my eyes to trail her face for some sort of explanation.

And when Renata suddenly stood from her chair, my stomach began tying in nervous knots, which I tried to force away.

Given the clear direction of our conversation last night at the event.

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