Eight | Broken Training Wheels

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I remember it vividly, the day my parents decided it was time for me to learn how to ride a bike without training wheels.

I was both exhilarated and terrified at the idea.

The excitement of newfound independence growing around me, accompanied with the fear of falling and failing.

As I stood there, clutching the handlebars of my bicycle with trembling hands, my parents offered words of encouragement, their smiles warm and reassuring.

With a deep breath, I pushed off from the safety of their grasp, my heart pounding in my chest like the rhythmic beat of a drum.

For a moment, it felt as though time stood still, the world around me fading into a blur of colors and sensations.

And then, with a surge of determination, I pedaled forward, the wind rushing past me like a gentle caress.

I wobbled and teetered, my balance shaky and uncertain, but with each passing moment, I grew more confident, more assured in my ability to navigate this new skill.

And then, as if by magic, I found my balance, my bicycle gliding effortlessly beneath me as I soared down the path ahead.

It felt exhilarating to finally do something on my own as a child, especially since it felt like my parents shielded me from any uncertain circumstances.

But I did it all without them, and proved to myself that I could accomplish things on my own.

That day single-handedly marked the beginning of my independence and everything that came along with it.

- Azzy

Chapter Eight: Broken Training Wheels

Every little word, every little detail was jotted down neatly on a piece of paper in front of me.

Making sure to take into account any little notes that I should have.

When I imagined myself as Queen, I always liked the idea of being hands-on.

Being a ruler who knew certain questions off the top of her head without so much as glancing at policies or notes.

And this meeting would ultimately set the mood for what my reign would look like.

Yes, my time with Renata last night was compromising.

Mostly because it's not an appropriate relationship to have with one of your alliances.


We didn't physically cross any boundaries.

So I think everything will run smoothly so long as we keep some sort of boundary up.

"Yes, I think Azura is perfectly capable of handling our account on her own," I heard my father say, easily making my ears perk up.

My mother hummed as her dark eyes glanced to me, "I think it's time you step up on your own," she agreed with my father.

And out of all the times they could've let me take the lead, now seemed to be the worst possible timing.

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