Seven | Heavy Masks

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Today feels like stepping onto a tightrope, each step precarious and uncertain.

As I'm on my way to my first official business meeting, the weight of expectation hangs heavy on my shoulders.

The thought of facing a room full of seasoned professionals, discussing matters far beyond my years, fills me with a mixture of excitement and dread.

As a teenager, I often found myself in situations where I had to navigate unfamiliar territories.

I recall a particularly nerve-wracking incident when I was invited to my first ball as someone more than a child dangling from her parent's arms.

It was finally time to show all of France the woman I was growing into.

I remember how my heart raced with each step towards the doors lined with guards waiting to announce me.

And just like my fateful first ball, today's meeting feels like stepping into the unknown.

It feels like entering a chapter where I'm forced to prove my presence.

To prove to them that I'm ready to become Queen.

- Azzy

Chapter Seven: Heavy Masks

My pink hair was slicked back—pulled into a tight low bun to illuminate my bare face covered with more makeup than I had ever worn.

The white top clung to my body, contrasting the matching loose dress pants that spilled over my legs and white stilettos clinging to my feet.

It was a completely different look compared to what I preferred.

But as someone entering the business world and establishing myself, this feels necessary.

I have to dress more professionally—I have a status to defend.

The paparazzi seemed to be roaring with questions and holding flashing cameras as I walked out of the Ritz by my parent's side.

My father was in his typical pin-straight suit and my mother wore a matching knee-length dress with her dark hair pulled back into one of her typical hairstyles.

The SUV was a huge contrast to the flashing cameras and shouting voices.

It was almost deafeningly quiet as the upcoming meeting bounced around in my head.

Along with thoughts of Ren.

Who I regretted leaving the way I did.

But I knew I had no other choice.

Last night was fun, but that's really all it could be.


"Is everything okay honey?" My mother instinctively asked as soon as a soft sigh fell from my lips, clearly battling my own inner thoughts.

I nodded before I could even think it through, "Yeah-yes, everything is perfectly well," I assured her with a small smile.

My father hummed, "You'll do well. You have nothing to worry about," he said, assuming that my nerves involved the meeting that we were minutes away from walking into.

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