Nineteen | Pushed Meetings

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The humid summer air hung heavy as Antonio and I lounged beneath the shade of an ancient oak tree in the palace gardens.

Our laughter echoed through the air, a testament to the unbreakable bond we shared as closest friends.

Yet, beneath the surface of our carefree banter, a subtle tension simmered, fueled by my bear, Goldie Locks, that had suddenly come up missing.

Antonio, always one for mischief, had hidden my most treasured possession—a worn, golden teddy bear that had been my constant companion since childhood—as part of a prank on me.

At first, I had laughed it off, knowing it was a part of Antonio's mischievous nature, but ultimately, it fueled a desire for revenge.

In a moment of childish pettiness, I allowed my wounded pride to guide my actions.

With a devious glint in my eye, I seized the opportunity to turn the tables on Antonio, determined to repay the favor back to him.

I pretended to have made a new friend to replace Antonio—someone who wouldn't hide my prized possession.

I filled Antonio in on all of my stories of this imaginary companion, embellishing each tale with details designed to evoke jealousy and allow him to see how it felt to have a missing friend.

The playful competition morphed into a disagreement between us.

And only later did the gravity of my actions hit. 

My honesty and understanding ended up being sacrificed at the altar of petty revenge.

Thankfully, Antonio, ever the peacemaker, extended the first olive branch.

It arrived in the form of a cherry pie (not quite perfect, considering we were eight), but it paved the way for countless years of friendship.

In hindsight, our childhood fight taught me that even disagreements hold value.

They illuminate blind spots and serve as reminders to show gratitude for the balance within all relationships.

- Azzy

Chapter Nineteen: Pushed Meetings

The paparazzi were already spanning along every edge of the tall building of Riva.

Their cameras flashed every millisecond while the police continued strong with the barricade that they were forced to put up.

Luckily, the Rivera's set up precautions beforehand to get us in through the parking garage of Riva—allowing us to enter through the back entrance.

It was relieving to be granted a chance to avoid the paparazzi—mostly because of my terrifying panic attack that had latched onto me just this morning.

I wasn't quite sure how much more I could take without spiraling all over again.

And Renata didn't seem to be helping matters.

Especially with how noticeably cold she was toward me.

I understood why she would be distant at a time like such.

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