Two | Caffeinated Calm

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The hustle and bustle of New York City has a way of making even the most mundane moments feel surreal.

Amidst the towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, there's an energy that pulses through the air, a strict sense of excitement and possibility that draws you in and refuses to let go.

As I sit here in my suite at the Ritz, surrounded by luxury and the one percent, I can't help but feel a sense of wonder at the city that stretches out before me.

It's a feeling that's both exhilarating and terrifying, a heavy mix of anticipation as I mentally prepare for tomorrow's meeting.

The paparazzi that greeted us here managed to startle the introvert in me.

I'm so unexplainably used to the reporters in France who willingly gave me my personal space.

But among the chaos of this vibrant city, there's a sense of calmness that washes over me, a quiet reassurance that no matter the challenges, I have the strength and resilience to face them head-on.

And as I gaze out at the twinkling lights of the city below, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement stirring within me, a longing to explore and discover all that this incredible city has to offer.

- Azzy

Chapter Two: Caffeinated Calm

The sun had long since dipped below the horizon, casting a soft glow over the city as I stepped out onto the balcony of my suite at the Ritz.

The lights of New York twinkled in the distance, a dazzling display of color and movement that seemed to stretch out into infinity.

As I breathed in the cool night air, a sense of calmness washed over me, banishing the lingering traces of jet lag and fatigue.

It was exhilarating to be in New York, surrounded by the energy and vibrancy of the city that I was diligently waiting to explore.

But as I glanced down at the bustling streets below, a pang of hesitation crept into my chest.

The paparazzi had been relentless since our arrival, their cameras flashing incessantly as they fought for the perfect shot of Royalty In The Heart Of New York City.

It was a harsh reminder of the scrutiny that came with my position, a constant presence that followed me wherever I went.

Lost in thought, I was startled by the sudden ringing of my phone.

With a quick glance at the caller ID, I smiled as I answered the call.

"Toni," I greeted warmly, relief flooding through me at the sound of his familiar voice.

"Hey Azzy," came Antonio's voice, and I couldn't miss how he sipped what I assumed was a frozen drink.

He's probably already laid out at one of the beautiful beaches in Greece by now.

"How are you settling in?" he suddenly asked me.

I sighed, sinking into the plush armchair beside the balcony. "It's been... interesting," I admitted, thinking back to the chaos of our arrival at the hotel.

Antonio chuckled sympathetically. "Well, you know New York. It's a city that takes some getting used to."

I nodded in agreement, my gaze drifting back to the bustling streets below.

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