Chapter Fifty-Six

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"You're not even drunk are you?" Anastasia breathes finally putting the pieces together.

My brothers all look at me in disbelief and anger but they're come to see this was necessary, so will she.

"No but I've had enough to make you think I was" I say as I straighten myself up to make myself look less disheveled. "You were scared and very nearly froze but you finally fought back" I then say with a shrug to give off the impression it didn't faze me slightest bit even though in truth it was fucking torture to see that fear in her eyes.

To feel the way her pulse spiked when she genuinely thought I was going to hurt her will forever be etched in my memory.

"Why would you do that?" She snaps, anger there in place of any upset which tells me even though my method may have not been the best it worked. "Why would you do that to me?"

"You're fucking sick in the head" Finn snaps but Blake and Cian stay quiet either seething or already knowing why I've done this.

Ignoring him I answer Anastasia instead. "Because you were right, men have used and abused you for long enough" I say and I see the way her eyes bulge at my revelation. Then I nod towards the stairs as I say. "Tonight that ends, go and get dressed"

"No" she breathes shaking her head.

When I tilt my head she shrugs out of Cian's hold and surprisingly straightens herself.

"What am I to you? Some sort of toy? A game for your entertainment?" There's clear hurt in her voice as she speaks but it's expected.

I knew this would upset her, push her limits but again it was necessary.

I scoff and shake my head.

"Either get dressed and finally face your rapists so they can get exactly what they deserve or go and wallow in self pity" I say and take a step towards her but steps in front of her shielding her from me which I get.

"It's your choice Anastasia" I say hoping she'll finally put herself first just like she said she wanted to.

Then I turn and head out of the room hearing only one set of footsteps following behind me, already knowing it'll be Blake.

"What the fuck are you playing at Hugh, you're fucking losing it" he snaps as he follows me outside but I don't bother giving him a response which obviously pisses him off even more.

"She'll tear this family apart" he then says finally making me stop and turn to look at him. "Those were your exact words but it's you that's tearing it all apart"

"I did what was necessary" I say even though I know it's not much of an explanation.

"What was necessary? You think scaring the hell out of her was necessary?" He shouts and his fists ball up at his sides. "You put your fucking hands on her again, since when did you decide leaving bruises was acceptable?" He doesn't even give me chance to argue back or defend my actions as he continues "Or is taking Faolan down not enough for you, you want to step into his shoes as well"

"I'm nothing like him" I snap, white hot rage coursing through me at the mere suggestion I'm anything like him.

Blake shrug and starts retreating backwards "From what I've seen recently there's very little difference between you both" he say and then heads back inside.

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