Chapter Three

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"I don't want her here" I grumble as I sit myself on the couch in Hugh's office.

In theory it's not really his we're all meant to use it but he's the one that spends the majority of his time in here and that's how we all seem to prefer it.

"It's just until we figure out what to do with her" Hugh replies and gives me a cautious look.

"If it makes you uncomfortable you can get out of the city for a bit and stay at the house" he then adds.

I know why he made me take her into the bathroom, he did it to gauge whether I'd be able to be around her and not lose my shit. Despite the fact it's a fucked up thing to do, I do have to admit that he's clever. Always using every opportunity to analyse everything.

Hugh knows I don't like people, especially new ones. It makes me feel uncomfortable. You can't trust strangers, especially not Russian ones, the only people I trust are my brothers.

No one else.

"What's the plan here?" Blake asks, coming to sit next to me.

"First we need to figure out why she left and what she's doing in London" Hugh replies and I can already see the cogs working away in his head.

Hugh is a lot like me; he doesn't trust people either.

"You think they faked her death?" Blake then asks and it's a valid question, one I've already been considering.

"Why else would they have a funeral? The whole of Birmingham knew about her death and then years later she turns up in the same place as us, that can't be a coincidence" Hugh grumbles and then continues.

"With what we're planning we can't be too careful, if Dimitri's got wind of it planting his daughter right where we are would be perfect"

"I dunno man I saw the look in her eyes when you said she was meant to be dead she looked heartbroken" Finn says and it's just like him to have a fucking soft spot for anything with a fucking vagina.

"Of course you'd think that" I scoff because my twin is so fucking obvious it's unbelievable.

"And what's that meant to mean?" he growls and his body goes rigid as if he's preparing himself to fight.

It's not something that happens often, him being the calmest of us all. Usually resorting to comedy in tense situations but out of us all Finn is the one to be cautious of when he really loses it.

"Hey!" Hugh snaps to stop us from arguing before we've even started "Dimitri's kids are all trained like fucking assassins she's dangerous and could easily manipulate us to believe whatever story she spins"

"I don't like any of this" I grumble, needing them to know exactly what my thoughts on the matter are.

"She's harmless right now, she can barely move" Hugh says.

It's stupid, even if she is banged up there's nothing to say she won't attempt something.

"We'll keep her door locked and once we have answers we'll decide what to do with her" He says and I know exactly what that means though, he and Blake will decide what to do with her whilst me and Finn have to just go along with it.

There's an ominous silence that spreads between us all as we consider what exactly that means.

"So what happens now?" Finn asks, breaking the silence glancing round at us all.

"For now we all get back to work, I'll have someone look into her death and once we have more details we'll question her" Hugh replies.

Finn's brows shoot up, clearly not liking the sound of that at all and I can already tell what he's going to ask before the words even leave his mouth.

"Just question right? We're not actually going to hurt her to get info are we? We don't hurt chicks" He says, his voice strained a little and we all know the reason why.

He's right we don't hurt women never have and never will, it's a rule Hugh instilled in us all when we were young and it's one we've always stuck by and I'm certain that won't change anytime soon or ever for that matter.

"Of course we won't hurt her" Blake says with surety but a sly smile spreads across his face.

"But she doesn't need to know that, let her think the worst, it'll work in our favour"

They all easily fall into discussions about work and I just sit listening to them, not really having any real input.

Once they've finished up we all go to file out but Hugh calls me back.

"Cian hold back a minute I want to talk to you" he says.

Blake and Finn both give me a clipped nod before they leave, closing the door behind them, probably already knowing what Hugh wants to talk to me about.

Hugh is our protector, he's the eldest and has always looked out for us. Me especially. It's no surprise he'd want to talk to me, probably to check where my head is at right now. The only problem is it's a mess and I think he already knows that.

"I'm fine I just have to get out of here" I blurt out before he can even say anything.

He sighs, clearly not happy with my response at all.

"I know this is a struggle for you, your hands have been shaking ever since Blake brought her up here" he says and only then do I notice that my hand is in fact shaking.

Coming towards me he rests a hand on my shoulder and his expression softens.

"Dimitri will get what's coming to him after what he had done to you and she'll be our ticket to get to him. For now keep your distance okay?"

I nod with a grunt and head straight out of the penthouse not even bothering to tell my other brothers where I'm going.

No doubt Hugh will update them.

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