Chapter Thirty

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Much to Hugh's dismay the twins and Blake refused to head back to penthouse straight away. Something about not wanting me to have to move about just because he wasn't happy being here. To my surprise Hugh stuck around so we've all been staying at the Manor house for the past three days.

It's pretty clear to see Hugh hates this place, so much more so than Finn and I have a feeling it's not because he finds it creepy here. There's another reason, something about this place that sets him on edge and makes him even more miserable than usual.

Although I want to say he deserves it and should suffer, I have the intention of asking to go back to the penthouse in the morning. Mainly for his sake, which I could slap myself silly for. Hugh doesn't deserve my care or for me to want to make sure he doesn't feel uncomfortable but I guess I'm not as cold hearted as him and don't want to make he feel any worse than he's had to endure the last few days.

Could even call me Saint Stasia for the selfless act of kindness.


The soft call of my name brings me into consciousness and has my eyes fluttering open.

I've been waking up sandwiched between the twins the whole time I've been here and I remember falling asleep watching something with Blake so I shouldn't have that initial panic run through me knowing there's someone in the room with me.

But when I take in the sight of Hugh crouched down next to the bed as he tries to wake me up instinct takes over and before I know it my fist is flying out and it connects with his face with an almighty thud.

Pain radiates through my hand straight away but I'm more focused on the way Hugh tumbles back clearly being caught off guard and his arse hits the floor as an 'oof'  comes from him.

"I know I've been an ass recently but that's no excuse to assault me like that" he chuckles, his lips tugging up at the corners and if I wasn't already completely baffled the fact he seems to be making a joke completely stuns me.

"It's the least you deserve" I snap back my voice still husky from the deep sleep he has just torn me from.

You'd think he would have learnt from the last time that waking me up is about the worst thing you can do, and will only force my vengeance onto you but then this is Hugh.

"What are you doing? Where's Blake?" I then ask confused by why he's still not in bed with me.

Hugh looks from me to the bedside table and It's then I see the dressings and a bowl sitting on the table filled with something.

"Your dressings need changing" he informs me his tone short and back to that usual non-welcoming way of his. "And Blake's working with the twins, so I have to do them" he then says and it's clear he wants to be anywhere but in the same room as me right now.

At this rate I'm going to need Dr Wallace to check me for whiplash when she returns to check on my leg. Because this man has more mood swings than I do when I'm in the mist of the most horrendous period.

Heaving himself back off the floor he practically tears the covers back off me the cold air hitting every part of my skin and he freezes when he realises I am in fact completely naked.

I don't even have chance to try and hide my body away because he quickly flips the covers back over me and the scowl is so deeply rooted on his face I feel like punching him again.

"Where are you're clothes?" he snaps clearly not happy like my body is offensive to him.

"I didn't exactly need them when I went to sleep" I grunt back my tone literally flooded with sarcasm even though I know it's like prodding an angry bear.

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