Chapter Forty

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Just like Blake said they would be, the twins were waiting in the garage for me as the car pulled in.

I tried to wipe the tears from my face in a weak attempt to hide the fact I'd been crying but as I did mascara smeared over my hands and I knew it was pointless.

As soon as they saw the state of me the onslaught of questions were never ending. I don't know why Blake told I was coming home, but he clearly hadn't said what happened at the restaurant and I was grateful for that because things have only just gotten better between them all and now with this tonight I already know there'll be another explosion.

And right now I'm way too fragile to handle anything like that.

So instead of explaining what really happened I made a weak excuse of claiming that I'm not feeling well and wanted to go to sleep which I know they didn't believe especially with how concerned and wounded they looked when I insisted on going to bed alone.

It's not that I didn't want them with me though it was just I needed some time and space to think. To try and digest what the hell happened tonight because none of it makes any sense to me at all.

I had thought me and Hugh had managed to come to some sort of mutual understanding, that things were finally starting to move in a positive direction for us. But after what happened tonight I don't think that's the case at all.

Maybe Blake was right when he said that I'll be 'their ruin'. I know that at the time he was joking but I'm starting to feel like me being here has done nothing but come between them all consistently.

So after I convinced the twins I'd be okay I went to my room, showered and got myself into bed where I've been laid staring up at the ceiling in the pitch black ever since with the way he looked at me and threw me to the ground like I was nothing repeating over and over in my head.

The worst part is I don't even think it's how he treated me that hurts. The reality is I'm so used to men pushing and shoving me around, using my body for their own physical gain this all feels normal like I've become so numb to it all it doesn't even really affect me anymore.

I guess I'd just thought Hugh was nothing like the others, or well I wanted him to be different.

The click of my door has me shooting up in bed a little panicked until I see it's Blake's silhouette standing and I let out a long sigh and fall back down onto my pillows.

"Stas I don't even know what to say" he starts to make his way over to the bed, the light from the hallway the only thing illuminating my room. "I'm so sorry" he then says perching himself on the edge of the bed.

Shifting myself into a seated position I rest back and sigh.

"It's okay you don't have anything to apologise for, I promise you I'm fine I'm just tired" I lie giving him a meagre smile because it's probably easier than telling the truth right now.

When his hand comes up towards my face and I flinch I can just about see the frustration flash across his face but I know it's there. He cups my cheek and gently strokes his thumb back and forth.

"Stas I beg you please stop doing that" he says but before I can ask him what he means he goes on "Stop acting as if you can just shrug off everything that happens to you"

I want to say it's easy for him to say that because he's always had his brothers, others that he can lean on when shit gets hard but that's never been the case for me. I have to shrug it off and get up the next day to get on with my life because I have no other choice. There's never been anyone for me to lean on.

I don't get chance to though because there's a loud crash of something being knocked over and Hugh's distinct voice cursing.

Blake is up straight away storming towards the door but when I go to move to follow him he spins round to face me.

"Stay in here until I come back" he says ferociously leaving absolutely no room for argument. When I nod and lean myself back again he heads out the door slamming it behind him.

I listen to the sound of footsteps, arguing that I can't quite make out and then their voices are right outside my room and it sounds like some kind of struggle is going on. That has me rising out of bed and moving towards the door despite what Blake said.

"You're not fucking going near her when you're like this" I hear him shout and then it sounds like something is slammed against the wall.

"You can't stop me from fucking talking to her" Hugh shouts back his words still slurred and when I swing the door open there they both are with Blake pinning Hugh against the wall.

Both their heads snap round to look at me and I instantly see the blood trailing down from Hugh's nose.

"Go back in your room" Blake barks at me and just as he does the twins appear at the other end of the hall.

"What the fuck is going on?" Finn bellows and goes to step forward.

I know if I don't do something this is just going to get ten times worse so I quickly move towards Blake and Hugh, and put my hand on Blake's arm to coax him to let go of Hugh.

"It's fine he can come in" I say my voice shaky.

"Stas" he gives me a pleading look.

"Blake it's fine" I say even though I don't feel like any of this is fine right now. "If I need you I'll call for you, I promise" I then say and after a moment he lets go of Hugh and steps back.

"You lay one hand on her and I'll fucking kill you" Blake warns Hugh as he pushes off the wall and comes to my side, his steps staggered still from the clear intoxication.

The fact that Blake clearly think Hugh is capable of hurting me right now floods me with fear but I push it aside to ensure that there's no more conflict between any of them tonight.

As long as I can get Hugh into bed to sleep it off I'm sure it will be fine.

Or well I hope.

"I'm not going to fucking hurt her" Hugh snaps back as he grips my elbow and drags me into my room slamming the door behind us and sealing us both inside.


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