Chapter Nine

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My head spins as I sit on the end of the bed and try to figure all of this out. It doesn't make any fucking sense. Had I of not seen it with my own eyes I would have never believed that Nicolai had put that money in an account and paid for a penthouse.

Alexi yes, hell he was the one that helped me set up my new identity, but when that was done he vowed he'd never contact me again and he kept to his word. To keep me safe.

Alexi was always looking out for me, he was the only one that bothered to come and visit me in the hospital whereas my mother and father didn't bother, nor did Nicolai. Not that I'd ever expected them too.

Nicolai is just like our father, cruel calculated and heartless. He'd never attempt to help me and I can only think that whatever his motives were, he didn't have my best interests at heart. He has an anterior motive that much I'm sure about and I'm sure as hell not sticking round to figure out what it is. With that thought in mind I decide that today I'm going home getting the little stuff I have and I'm getting the hell away from here.

If Hugh and his brothers have been digging into me there's every possibility that news could get back to my father. As soon as I become an issue to him I'll be dead and well he's already got a ready made grave with my name on it.

I have to get out of London, but first I have to get out of this fucking penthouse so hopping off the bed I leave my room and attempt to find Hugh so I can demand he lefts me go.

Let's me leave today.

To my dismay I end up wandering around this ridiculous penthouse without a clue of how to find anyone. I thought I knew how to get to the kitchen but a wrong left proves me wrong and I end up realising I've gone round in a fucking circle.

I grunt and stamp my foot letting out my frustration then I hear a chuckle behind me. When I turn I find Blake lent up against the wall, his arms folded across his chest with a cocky smile plastered all over his face.

"You're looking a tad bit lost little one" he says his voice like velvet and it's difficult to not let it melt me slightly.

"I'm trying to find your douche of a brother but this place is like a maze" I huff in defeat.

He pushes off the wall and comes to strand in front of me, his frame easily towering over mine. His head dips down, his mouth level with my ear and I can't help but suck in a deep breath.

"Well let me do the honours of escorting you" he then says as he pulls away and holds out his arm for me to hook mine around.

Hooking my arm with his I let him lead me to wherever we're going.

Blake navigates the penthouse with ease which isn't surprising seeing as he lives here. The silence between us is awkward as we walk together so I decide to break the ice a little.

"I forgive you for hitting me with your car" I say which elicits a scoff from him.

"You forgive me?" His brow quirks and he fanes being offended before he flashes me a smile. "Shouldn't you be apologising for the thousands of pounds worth of damage the outline of your ass left?" He laughs and looks back to my ass licking his lips.

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