Chapter Fifty-One

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"Natalia" Anastasia breathes from next to me almost too quiet for me to hear but it instantly tears me away from Faolan. Especially as she darts up out of her chair and starts to stammer away without even looking where she's going. 

No her gaze is solely fixed onto her father and the little girl that's now seated in his lap with a wide happy smile on her face. She can't be any older than about five or six and so I can't imagine that Anastasia knows who she is but I don't have time to fully comprehend who this little girl could be to her because if one of us doesn't stop her before she gets to that table this whole night will go up in flames. 

She crashes into waiters causing them to spill drinks and drop plates of food but she seems oblivious, her whole focus on that little girl and her father. 

"You promised!" Anastasia screams at the top of her lungs as she propels herself through the room straight towards her father and me and my brothers are up chasing after her. "You promised me!" she screams again and despite the fact she's charging towards him all Dimitri does is smile and presses a kiss to the little girls head. 

Just as she's about to reach his table someone steps into her way and blocks her path, it only takes me a second to realise who it is. It's Alexi, one of her brothers. 

He wraps his arms around her stopping her from moving any further and whispers something in her ear in Russian, too low for me to hear as I get to them but whatever he says seems to stop her thrashing in his arms straight away. 

"NO!" she cries and sags in his arms as she lets out a wailing kind of sob 

"We need to get her out of here" he says to directly to me evident warning in his tone and I couldn't agree with him more Finn instantly steps forward to take Anastasia from him but as he does she starts wailing and screaming again. 

It takes both him and Cian to forcibly drag her out of the room, everyone watching with mouths agape. Completely stunned by the show they've just seen and probably looking as mystified about the whole thing as we are. 

"No I have to get her" she screams as she attempts to shove against them to get back into the room but they both manage to get her away, both flashing me quick glances that say what the fuck and I'm thinking the exact same fucking thing.

"I have to get her away from him" she then cries and completely sags against Cian whom wraps his arms around her protectively. 

"Stas who is she?" he asks but she's sobbing too hard to answer him, or maybe she just doesn't want to.

But I need fucking answers. 

I storm towards her and practically tear her out of his arms much to his dismay. 

Gripping both of her arms way more tightly than I probably should I shake her and I can't help but shout as I say "What the fuck was that?" 

She halts her sobbing slightly to give me a wide eyed and terrified look, her mouth opening and closing as if she's trying to find the right thing to say and it just infuriates me even more. There's clearly something she's hiding and I can already guess what it is but I want the answer from her, I want her to fucking tell me that she hasn't been holding this from us. 

Lying to us everyday. 

"WHO THE FUCK IS SHE?" I then shout.

"Natalia is her daughter" Alexi replies from behind us and it causes all of us to spin round completely taken back by this sudden revelation. 

When I glare down at Anastasia she swallows and silent tears stream down her cheeks as she realises that her secret is out. She's got a fucking daughter and never told any of us about her. 

Irish LuckHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin