Chapter Eight

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Finding Cian sitting at the table in the morning is rather surprising. I was sure he'd retreat off to the country house for a lot longer than just a few days but I'm happy to see he's back. It's a sign he's managed to right his head and I'm fucking relieved.

He doesn't look up from his phone as I enter the kitchen, doesn't even acknowledge I'm there as I head over the coffee machine and start making myself a coffee. The whole time he's completely silent even as I take a seat next to him.

It's not exactly strange behaviour from him, he's always been one of few words. Even more so now. But that doesn't mean it's any less unnerving, never knowing what's going on in that head of his.

"You good?" I ask and finally his eyes leaves his screen but only for a mere flash before he nods and settles them back onto his phone.

With his silent response I gather my previous thoughts about him being in the right headspace are wrong and that'll probably be about all I get out of him today.

I can tell Hugh's pissed just from his stomping footsteps as they approach, Cian knows it too because his brows dart up and he rolls his eyes just as Hugh appears.

I gather he's still in a foul mood from last night until he slam a folder down on the table in front of me. "There's an account in her name that her brother pays money into each month" he seethes clearly furious.

Storming over to the coffee machine he continues his rant before I can even get a word in.

"A fucking penthouse 3 miles from here also in her fucking name and guess what" he says opening the fridge "also paid for by him" he slams the fridge closed, nothing even in his hands and I swear he's actually vibrating with anger. 

"We get the truth out of her today" he then grits out and fully chugs his coffee in no more than a few gulps.

Cian looks from me to Hugh and then back again clearly just as baffled as I am with how unhinged Hugh seems right now.

Hugh doesn't lose his cool often, he's always the one that keeps a level head in almost every situation and it takes a lot to really get to him like this. The fact he's this wound up about a girl that he only has suspicions about is so far out of character for him.

I pick up the file and start looking through all the information there. He's right there is a penthouse and a bank account but something isn't quite right.

"She hasn't touched the money" I note ready through the statements. For six years moneys been paid into the account but never once has it been accessed. Not one single withdrawal made.

I know he's heard me but he doesn't even attempt to acknowledge what I've said so I go on. "Hugh there's nearly half a million pounds in that account and either she doesn't know about it or she does and still decided not to touch it"

This really doesn't prove anything at this point and I'm pretty sure he knows it too.

"Her family's still supporting her" he snaps as if that proves his point. "And all of a sudden here she is thrown into our lives" now he just sounds crazy and it's more like he's trying to convince himself he's right.

His brows pinch together and then his eyes dart around the room "Where the fuck is Finn?" He asks finally spotting that our little brother is the only one missing, and from the frown lines on his head I reckon he already knows the answer to that question.

"Probably balls deep in our little hostage" I scoff and from the way his jaw ticks I'm unsure if he's pissed at Finn or jealous.

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