Chapter Fifty-Seven

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I don't know if it's what just happened with Hugh or the thought of actually confronting Daniil that has me so on edge but the moment I hear the door creak behind me I startle and my heart starts hammering painfully in my chest.

Startled I spin round clutching my top to my chest and let out a relieving sigh when I see it's Blake.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he says sheepishly and I can see he wants to say more when his eyes flick to my arms but for now he chooses not to. 

"It's fine I'm just a little jumpy, todays been a lot" I reply giving him a meagre smile and deciding not to say that Hugh that put me so ridiculously on edge because tensions are already high enough as it is.

I know he doesn't fully buy it but instead of calling me out he nods his understanding. 

"Well it's now tomorrow if that's any consolation" he says with a slight laugh that I can tell isn't a full one. 

"Not really, it just means this shit show has lasted even longer" I say pulling my top on. "God I can't wait to go home" I attempt to laugh but it just makes sound pathetic.

When he just stands there and averts eye contact I already know there's no chance we'll be heading home anytime soon, and yep this day has just gotten so much worse. The thought of being here for a night or two was bad enough but having to stay for any longer than just feels like hell already. 

I close my sore eyes willing myself not to bloody cry again, I've cried enough to last me a lifetime at this rate and I'm pretty sure I'll die from crying at this point. 

I hear Blake move towards me but I still don't open my eyes until he cups my face in his hands making me flinch slightly. 

"We won't be heading back for at least a few weeks maybe months" he says softly and I can see the guilt in his eyes. 

"You guys are breaking me Blake" I say truthfully and when his brows pinch together I choose to elaborate. "Before you catapulted yourselves into my life I was getting on with it, for the most part I was okay but now..." I trail off feeling the tears spring to my eyes again. 

"I'd made it through every, I felt strong but now I just feel completely defeated" I then say pulling myself away from him. 

When he reaches out to pull me back I shake my head. "Hugh will be waiting and he's pissed enough as it is, best we don't anger him even more" I halfheartedly laugh even though I feel absolutely no amusement at all.


The tension in the car as Blake drives us towards wherever we're going is ridiculous. 

Hugh still hasn't given me an explanation as to what's about to happen, neither have any of his brothers. All I know is that it involves Daniil and I gather it has something to do with the cuts on his knuckles. 

We pull up to a row of unsuspecting shops and when I get out Cian takes my hand straightaway giving it a slight squeeze which I'm sure it meant to be reassuring but nothing could bring me any kind of comfort right now no matter what he tries. 

I'm exhausted and miserable and just want to crawl back into bed as soon as I can. 

We head through an alley between two shops and when we comes to the end of it Hugh opens a door stepping straight inside a darkened corridor with just a set of stairs that leads down to somewhere. 

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