Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I'd like to say that over the last few weeks things had improved especially between me and Hugh after the night we spent together but I'd be lying if I did.

The truth is there's times where he can be the kindest caring man I've ever met, like when he saw to my leg everyday whilst it healed. Or how he especially gave me a place on the team for the new restaurant opening that's happening today.

Over the weeks I've been a part of the whole process, down to the final details of the menu. My suggestions and recommendations being taken on board, with people listening to me as if my opinions matter for something. Especially if I raise them to Hugh he takes them on board and makes the changes straight away.

It's the first time I've ever really felt like I've belonged somewhere.

But then on the flip side there's times where he'll walk in on me watching a film with the twins or when Blake kisses me goodbye in the mornings. Then that horrid cold scowl is back on his face like he hates the sight of me then he'll ignore me like I don't exist until he creeps into myself bedroom when his brothers are all worker and hate fucks me with such conviction I really do wonder if he does hate me.

That's not even the head spinning thing it's the moments like yesterday where he randomly pulled me into the store cupboard at the restaurant and slowly fucked me against the wall. His hands roaming over my body possessively and his mouth kissing up my neck, along my chin and hovering over my mouth. His face kind of pained as if he was resisting the urge to claim my mouth which is something he hasn't done yet.

We've fucked so many times but not once has he kissed me. That restraint hasn't snapped and at this point I don't really know if it ever will.

As for the twins and Blake. I quite literally couldn't be happier and it's got to a point where I couldn't imagine myself without them.

I'm not afraid to admit I'm falling head first for the O'Leary brothers, although I won't admit that I've fallen for one in particular because I know the sentiment definitely isn't returned.

Where his brothers have my heart and I'm pretty sure I have theirs, but with Hugh it's purely physical on his side. I'm not stupid I know it is but it doesn't stop the feelings from growing as each day goes by and I know I'm setting myself up for heartbreak.

In the evenings I probably spend the majority of my time with the twins as Blake seems to work endlessly doing god knows what. It's shit and I miss spending time with him so when I come out of the bathroom after my shower to find him sitting on my bed waiting for me I can't help the smile that spreads across my face.

My dress for the opening is spread out on the bed next to him. It's plain black and boring, nothing compared to the one I wanted to wear but I didn't have much of a choice when I had to panic buy this one today because I'm sure Lydia ordered my original dress two or even three sizes too small on purpose but I push the thoughts of her out of my mind as I make my way over to Blake.

"I thought you were working tonight" I say as I come to stand in between his legs.

His hands come to the back of my thighs and he strokes them up and down gently.

"Didn't Hugh tell you?" He says his brows pinching together and in truth I haven't spoken to Hugh at all today.

Well I haven't spoken to him since he came inside me and then stormed out of the restaurant leaving me there and his driver to bring me home. I'd convinced myself he was busy with the restaurant but now with the way Blake is looking at me with sympathy I quickly come to the conclusion he's been avoiding me today.

"I'm taking you to the opening tonight, he's already there" he explains and I have to swallow the little lump in my throat at the realisation that Hugh has well and truly bailed out on me tonight but I manage to smile knowing I actually get to spend more time with Blake.

"Not disappointed are you?" He asks as he regards me.

"Definitely not" I reply shaking my head. "I get all your attention the whole night how could I be disappointed" I then say truthfully.

"Quicky before we go?" He says with a smirk as he stands.

I bite down on my lip and nod then without hesitation he tugs the towel away from my body. As he presses his lips to mine he reaches for my ass to lift me up and I instinctively wrap my legs around him the thoughts Hugh pushed away for now.

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