Chapter Forty-Three

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Obviously the smart thing to do would be to apologise to Anastasia and hope she forgives me. But I don't exactly have a good track record of thinking logically when it comes to her so instead of doing that I shower and get the hell out of the penthouse ensuring I don't run in to any of my brothers. Mainly so I can avoid the inevitable conversation about last night.

It's the cowards way out I'm fully aware of that but it's the option I decide to take. Convincing myself that getting out of there and clearing my head will help in some way.

So I head to the office.

It's the weekend so the place is empty aside from the security staff. So it's quiet just like I need right now. The only issue is the silence only seems to cause my mind to go into overdrive and the only thing I can think of is Anastasia and how monumentally I've fucked up.

After a few hours of staring at my blank laptop screen I finally decide to bite the bullet and find out how Anastasia is doing. Again the wise thing to do would be to call her myself or even text her but instead I take the easy route and call Blake instead.

After the phone rings a few times he finally answers but his tone is less than welcoming. "What do you want?"

"I was just calling to check on how Anastasia is" I say on a sigh already knowing what direction this conversation is going to go in just by his tone.

"You'd have a better idea than me, you were the last person to see her" he replies and that has me sitting up straighter in my chair.

"What do you mean?" I ask a little confused by what he's said. Anastasia always goes to Blake for comfort, clearly feels more comfortable telling him the things she would otherwise keep to herself. But despite that I'd assumed at least the twins would have been with her.

"I mean she's been locked away in her room and has refused to speak to any of us. What the fuck happened between you two last night?" He snaps back at me.

"I can't remember it's all a blur" I lie because frankly the truth isn't going to be useful right now.

"Of course it is" he scoffs and then says "Well if you want to know how she is, how about you get your shit together and come and find out for yourself" then he cuts the call.

Reluctantly and after a few more hours of putting it off I finally grow a pair and head back home to try and attempt to rectify what I've royally fucked up.

As soon as I'm home I heard straight for her room and I'm not at all surprised to find her door locked. 

"Anastasia can we talk?" I call through the door as I knock when there's no response from her I then say "I'm not going anywhere until you open up and speak to me"

After a few minutes of me knocking and calling her name the door finally unlocks and swings open.

Her hairs tied up on the top of her head, and she's wearing that hideous oodie thing and a pair of the numerous crocs she now has. But what catches my attention the most is her puffy, bloodshot eyes which instantly tells me she's been crying.

I go to speak but she doesn't give me chance as she barges past me without saying a word to me. As she heads down the hall she completely ignores me calling after her and it's like a repeat of follow through the grounds of the Manor House all over again.

But whereas last time she snapped and cursed at me this time she's completely silent as if I'm not even there and it unsettles me.

She reaches the lift just as it pings and the doors open, there stands Teddy the security guy with a bag in his hand that he holds up and hands it to Anastasia.

"Thanks Teddy" she says sweetly and then when the doors close on him she barges past me again and heads towards the kitchen.

"What is that?" I ask as we enter the kitchen and she finally fucking decides to answer me.

"You drown your sorrows in booze I drown mine in trifle" she says with a shrug as she takes the trifle out of the bag.

Where most people would get a bowl to decant some in, she rips off the lid, grabs a spoon from the draw and proceeds to eat it just as it is.

It's a challenge to suppress a smile but I somehow manage it knowing now is not the time for it, and given how heated we can get I'm sure she'd misconstrue it.

"You had a trifle delivered?" I ask and she doesn't warrant me with a response this time. Instead she spoons another mouthful and continues to eat with absolutely no shame at all.

Honestly this girl never ceases to amaze me. Despite the parts or her that infuriate me there's no denying she has a mountain of endearing qualities that completely set her apart from anyone else.

When she goes to leave the kitchen I say "Look I need to say I'm sorry for last night" it's a weak ass attempt at an apology even I know that but least it stops her in her tracks.

Instead of continuing down the hall she spins round to glare at me, he nostrils flaring and at least I'm getting some kind of a reaction from her.

"Sorry for which part Hugh?" She snaps and shoves the trifle and spoon into my hands.

"The bruise you left on my arm?" She snaps tugging her sleeve up to expose the horrid dark handprint. "For how you humiliated me in front of everyone?" Her voice cracks with each word and she takes a deep breath before she continues. "Oh no could it be the part where you used Lydia is make me jealous and the told me you did it because I whore myself out to your brothers"

"Or was it when you used my body for your own pleasure, like I was nothing more than a fleshlight for you to fuck" she says with such conviction it's as if she believes that's exactly what it was.

"And then after all of that you had the nerve to tell me I had to choose between you and your brothers" she scoffs but from the way her eyes glisten from the unshed tears she's holding back I know there isn't any amusement there.

"I'm sorry for all of it Anastasia, I don't drink and there's a reason for that" I try to explain but that just seems to infuriate her more.

"Don't you dare try and excuse your behaviour on being drunk" she shouts pointing her finger at me as if she wants to poke it straight through my eye and I genuinely think she would if she was given half a chance.

"I'm not excusing anything" I unintentionally snap back at her.

"I won't choose between you and your brothers Hugh because you're not even an option" she says with a shrug and I don't quite know what to make of that.

"Wait what are you saying?" I ask.

"What I'm saying is I've allowed men to use and abuse me my whole life but I won't let that happen anymore, I won't be your punching bag Hugh because I deserve better than that" she finishes and literally snatches the trifle out of my hands.

Then she storms off leaving me standing there with no other option but to watch her go because she's right she does deserve better.

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