Chapter Fifteen

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Turns out if you don't sleep you don't have any nightmares.

Who would have guessed.

At this point I don't know what's worse, waking up screaming so much my throats raw or now being so exhausted I feel like my eyes might actually pop out of my head.

By the time I actually feel my eyes start to droop and my body relaxes enough it's already morning but I have absolutely no desire to even attempt to get up so I decide I'll let myself finally sleep now seeing as I have nothing better to do.

I can literally feel sleep finally starting to take over when someone decides to start thumping on my door.

"Go away" I groan rolling over and wrapping myself in the covers like a burrito and for a moment I think they've listened to me but then the thumping continues.

Flinging the covers off of me I reluctantly climb out of bed and stomp over to the door.

"What!" I snap swinging the door open and to make matters worse my least favourite O'Leary is standing there.

Actually no he's not even anywhere near being a favourite especially with how put together he looks right now. Like he's had the best nights sleep of his life.

His eyes rake up and down me the when they meet mine his narrow. "You look like shit" he says and wow does this guy know how to make a girl feel good about herself.

My mouth literally drops open at the mere cheek of him but he seems completely oblivious to how rude he's just been.

"Good morning Stas how are you? Oh thanks for asking Hugh I was just fine until some jackass decided to bang his fists against my door like an ape" I mock the conversation throwing in expressive facial expressions just to make my point.

Which he clearly doesn't appreciate because his jaw ticks straight away.

"Get dressed you're coming with me today" he grits out and at that I do actually laugh.

"Nope not happening goodbye Hugh" I practically growl at him and then go to slam the door in his face but he shoves his big old foot in the way.

"Anastasia" he says my name like a warning and I'm pretty sure he's not used to anyone not doing exactly what he says but he can run and jump if he thinks I'm going anywhere with him.

Instead of saying anything I open the door again and then go to slam it against his foot again but much to my dismay he shifts predicting what I'm going to do and blocks the door with his body.

I fully expect him to explode but he doesn't, instead he takes a deep breath.

"Please get dressed" he grits out through clenched teeth and I swear it looks like the fact that he's actually had to say please hurts him.

"If I say no are you going to go away anytime soon?" I ask even though I already know what the answer is likely to be.

"No" he replies to no surprise and I actually stomp my feet and grunt as I imagine slamming the door against that beautiful head of his.

I want to argue against him but I really just don't have the energy this morning so instead I accept defeat.

"Fine" I grumble and he finally moves away from the door.

"Be ready within twenty minutes we're already running late" he then says looking at his watch and then turns heading down the hallway.

"Late for what?" I call after him but to no surprise he just ignores me.

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