Chapter Twenty-Six

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Cian literally treated me with so much care whilst he helped me shower. Not once mentioning my tears. He just let me have my moment to spiral without drawing any further attention to it. Even when I was dressed he didn't leave my side and insisted that I went with him to his room whilst he got dressed. I think that was more because he was worried about my sudden bout of emotional hysteria than anything else.

I could tell by the way his gaze repeatedly examined me that he probably also thought I was regretting what happened between he, Finn and I. But it wasn't that at all, no part of me regretted it.

I was just scared of what was going to happen next.

And my fears were clearly warranted.

Because if I wasn't feeling fragile enough as it was already, hearing shouting coming from the kitchen as me and Cian approach is enough to have me bursting into to tears yet again especially when I realise the topic of the heated conversation is in fact me.

I knew this was going to happen.

"I fucking told you to keep your dick out of her" Hugh snaps to whom I can only assume to be Finn.

Me and Cian are just out of view and I clutch his hand to stop him going in, mainly because I want to hear what's said so I can gage how bad this really is and partly because I feel way more fragile than I probably should right now.

"Here we go" Finn shouts back but it's Blake's voice that surprises me.

"You're being ridiculous" he bellows back clear frustration in his voice. "You're the only one making an issue out of this and you haven't been anywhere near her so I don't think you're in a position to tell us what we should be concerned about"

"Yeah I haven't touched her cause I use my fucking brain and I'm well aware she'll tear this family apart and for what? So you can all get your dicks wet in some slut with a used up pussy" Hugh shouts and that's it Cian charges forward into the kitchen making our presence known.

'Used up pussy' that's really what he thinks of me.

I've been called a lot of hurtful things over the years most of them coming from my own family but for some reason hearing exactly what Hugh thinks of me cuts a lot deeper than I'd of ever expected.

"Shut your fucking mouth!" Cian shouts as he chargers towards his brother and I only peek my head in long enough to see Blake grab hold of him to restrain him before I dart away. Scurrying towards my bedroom as quick as my feet will take me.

I knew this was a bad idea. Hugh's right I'm just going to ruin everything and it's already started. My best option is to leave.

I know Hugh doesn't trust me enough to just let me walk out of here but he doesn't want me here either. He's made that abundantly clear. I just hope that his desire to keep me away from his brothers is enough to let me leave.

With that thought I get to shoving clothes into the back pack I brought with me, ensuring I only take the clothes I came in and none of the stuff Hugh brought me. I'm even tempted to change out of what I'm wearing but I'm stopping in my tracks when Cian comes barreling into my room.

His mouth opens as if he's about to say something but he stops short when his gaze flicks over to my back pack.

Shaking his head he rips the bag out of my hands and empties the contents out onto the bed.

"Cian what are you doing!" I shout snatching the bag back out of his hand. "I should leave. I'm leaving" I say but he just ignores me.

Instead he heads straight to my wardrobe and starts taking items out, folding them neatly for me before passing them to me, when I stand there completely dumbfounded he nods towards my bag.

"Put the clothes in the bag" his tone is short and cold, and I have to swallow down the lump in my throat as I gather whatever's been said in my absence has also made him realise I shouldn't be here.

I just don't understand why he's helping me pack I can do this and then leave I don't need him to do it for me.

Once he seems satisfied I have everything I'll need he takes my hand and leads me out of my room, down the hall to the lift.

There's no shouting or anyone else in sight which makes leaving a little easier but also hurt, especially seeing as I can't say goodbye to Finn or Blake but maybe it's for the best.

I'm almost certain he's going to drop me off in the lobby and tell me to go my own way but he doesn't, instead we step out of the lift into the garage and he leads me over to his bike.

Just like yesterday he helps me into a helmet, adjusting and checking the strap meticulously all whilst I just stand here completely silent.

Only once he hops onto the bike and hold his hand out for me to take to help me climb on do I ask. "Where are we going?"

His expression is soft through his helmet when he replies. "Somewhere away from all the noise"

With that I don't ask any further questions I just take his hand and climb on, wrapping myself round him and enjoying the warmth of his body against mine.

The truth is I don't care where we're going as long as it's as far away from here as possible and the thought that I won't be all in my own again is so comforting it makes my chest hurt.

Cian weaves through traffic as we head out of the city, after an hour or so we're heading down country lanes and the only thing around us is rolling green fields filled with more cows than I think I've ever seen in my life.

When I feel like my ass has gone completely numb we finally pull onto a gravel driveways and quite possibly the most beautiful Manor House that I have ever seen comes into view.

It's so much like the home I grew up in but somehow this one doesn't fill me with the same horrendous sense of dread that one did.

"What is this place" I ask as soon as we're both off the bike, I don't even look at Cian when I speak I'm way too busy staring up at the Manor House pretty much with my mouth hanging open.

"We used to spend our summers here as kids. I like to come out here to get away from everything sometimes" he says as he takes my helmet and backpack. "My brothers included" he then adds on.

"I usually camp out back by the stream because I like the sound of the water but everything inside is well maintained, we can stay here as long as you want" he briefly gestured to the side of the manor but then starts making his way up the steps.

Probably expecting me to following him but I stay rooted in place shifting from one foot to the other.

He quickly realises I haven't moved though and turns at the top of the steps his brows rising in question.

"What about Hugh won't he-" I begin to say but he cuts me off.

"He won't come out here he hates this place" he says shaking his head and starts making his descent down the steps backs towards me.

"Won't he be angry?" I ask hesitantly even though I can already gather that the answer will be yes.

"He'll get over it" he says with a shrug seemingly so unfazed by all of this.

Something about his calm cool demeanour is reassuring and I decide to just go with it for now especially seeing as the alternative is going back to being Damien's puppet and living in that mould covered flat.

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