Chapter Fifty-Five

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No matter how much I try to sleep it just won't come to me and to make matters worse every sound I hear has my whole body tensing thinking that it's my father or people he's sent to deal with me.

Thank fully the twins seem a lot more at ease at they both sleep peacefully on either side of me, it makes me feel like everything is okay and maybe my anxieties are just that. If there was any real danger I know they wouldn't be sleeping so instead of driving myself crazy threating about what could happen I try to sleep until I hear a clatter come from down stairs.

Cian and Finn don't wake or startle from the sound so I gently ease myself up to see if I can spot anything out of the window. When I look outside I see two of the guards the brothers had hired walking the perimeter seeming to be alert but relaxed so I quickly gather it must be Blake or Hugh that's made the noise.

As I manage to climb out of the bed without waking either of twin I desperately hope that it's going to be Blake that I come across not Hugh but I even as I make my way down the stairs my heart hammers in my chest because I know my luck is going to be nowhere near that good and I fully expect to find Hugh.

My thoughts are confirmed when I enter the living room to find Hugh slunked down on the couch, the light from one of the lamps casting a low glow over him and making him look way more terrifying than I've ever seen him. Especially when I see his bloody cut up knuckles as he clasps a bottle in one hand and a glass in the other.

After the last time he was like this I contemplate turning around and disappearing back up stairs before he spots me but as I go to take a step back he speaks halting me in my tracks.

"What can't you face me or is it that you know I can't be easily manipulated by your pussy like my brothers are" there's a slight laugh to his tone when he speaks but the bitter edge makes me certain it's purely malicious.

Part of me wants to believe that he still doesn't know the real truth and that he thinks I've purposely lied to him this whole time. Maybe that's because I'm too scared to think there's a possibility that his brothers have filled him in and he's still this cold towards me.

"Natalia was taken-" I begin to say but before I can finish he stands, discarding his glass on the floor leaving the contents to spill over the floor.

"I don't give a shit about your sob story Anastasia" he says as he stalks towards me taking a long drag from the bottle in his other hand. "My brothers may be easily suckered by it but that won't work with me"

The realisation that he knows and still chooses to be this way towards me immobilises me to point I can't even move as he reaches me and brings his free hand to my throat.

His grip isn't so tight I can't breathe but the force he uses to push me back until I hit the wall is intimidating enough I'm too scared to do anything else but stare at him.

"What happened? Did you come back here, cry and then open your legs?" He spits the words at me and the stench of whiskey on his breath has me attempting to turn my head away from him.

That seems to anger him even more and his grip tightens around my throat. "Fucking look at me and answer the question" he then hisses but I don't answer him, whatever I say will just infuriate him even more I know it will.

"Answer me!" He then shouts and I can't help but snap back.

"No!" I all but scream in his face and attempt to slam my fists into the hard wall that is his chest. "No I won't fucking answer you when you're like this" I then shout and finally manage to shove him away from me.

"Like what? What am I like Anastasia?" He sneers and even though I know he doesn't really want the answer I tell him anyways.

"You're just like them" I shout and shove at his chest again causing him to take a step back "you're like my father and Daniil" I say and then with each word that flies out of me next I shove him back with all the strength I have.
"Abusive" shove
"Nasty" shove
"And cruel" shove
"You're so fucking cruel and horrible and-" I scream at him still shoving at his chest. "And I hate you, I fucking hate you because there's a part of me that feels like that's what I deserve"

Now I've started I can't stop it's like everything I've held in all this time comes out and Hugh's the one that's going to face the brunt of it.

I just lose it, I completely flip.

I try to scratch and punch him over and over again, the bottle gets discarded somewhere and smashes on the floor as he tries to grab my wrists to restrain me but I don't stop. I can't.

There's the sound of rushed footsteps coming down the stairs and Finn and Blake shouting but I can't register what's being said because I can't really hear them over the sound of my own shouting.

Shouting at Hugh telling him how much I hate him.

It's only when I'm dragged away that I finally stop screaming I'm turned and my head is buried in someone's chest. Then I just sag in the arms wrapped around me.

There's more shouting from Blake and Fin from behind me then there's a crash of furniture breaking. When I turn my head to see what's going on they're stood over Hugh where he lies in the remnants of what used to be the coffee table.

Blake grabs hold of him by his shirt and drags him up to his feet.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" He shouts in Hugh's face.

Hugh laughs and shoves Blake away from him then his eyes pin me as he then says "If she wants to stop being a punching bag then she needs to start fucking fight back"

And that's when I realise he's more of a monster than I thought he was.

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