Chapter Ten

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I watch as Anastasia rushes around her flat stuffing things into her bag in a blind panic. It's quite amusing to see and I have to refrain from laughing because she really has nothing to worry about. Leo and his men won't have a chance of getting close to her with me there. My brothers are already on their way just incase Leo decides to get brave but he won't I'm almost certain about that.

I had every intention of leaving her here, thinking it was the only way to keep her away from my brothers but the moment we pulled up outside I knew there wasn't going to be a chance in hell I could willingly let her continue to live here. Even more so when I saw the conditions of her flat.

The smell of damp and mould hit me the moment we walked through the door and I couldn't believe that with the life she'd come from that this was now her home.

There has to be way more to her story than we know, she's definitely hiding a lot but is she a threat to my brothers? I'm not so sure now.

What I am sure of though is that if I leave her here she'll be another victim of Leo's before I've even made it to the end of the road and I'm not letting that happen, whilst she's with me and brothers she'll be safe that much I know for sure.

Once she's finished packing her little rucksack she turns to me with a dumbstruck look. "Why are you so calm?" she asks, evident panic in her voice.

"Because they're not after me" I say lightheartedly then I step forward and take her bag from her. "They won't touch you Anastasia I'll make sure of that" I then say to reassure her but she just gives me a look like I'm completely out of my mind.

Begrudgingly she follows me out of her flat and down the horrendous fifteen flights of stairs that I wouldn't even make my worst enemy climb up. Just as we make it to the bottom of the stairs Anastasia slips her hand around my arm her grip tight even though there really is no need for her to be fearful in the slightest right now.

As we step out into the open courtyard my brothers pull up and the nervousness flashes across Leo's face almost instantly, but somehow he manages to train his features so his glare is fixed back onto Anatasia. Which I'm sure she's noticed because her grips tightens around my arm.

It's the first time I've seen her seem so anxious and it's unsettling to see, I just don't quite know why.

"Where's my guy Hugh?" Leo shouts across the empty space between us like the over confident prick he is.

I go to answer but I don't have to as Blake pulls up behind Leo and his men.

He gets out not and goes straight to his boot without even glancing in Leo's direction, then he pulls out a box and walks towards me and Anastasia with it in his hands with an eager smile on his face and I know he's enjoying planning his next moves like the sadistic fuck he is.

I look to him as he comes to stand next to me and he gives me a subtle nod which urges the next words I say.

"The guy you had chase after and hurt Stasisa here?" I finally respond to Leo's question and nod in her direction not missing how her eyes bulge at my use of her chosen name.

"She stole from me" Leo hisses but remains in place despite his obvious frustration.

Leo might be stupid but he knows enough to be fully aware that there isn't a chance it's just me and Blake here. Hence his lack of movement.

Leo will know he won't get very far if he even attempted to take a step in our direction.

I'm about to point out that he still had no right to touch her but I'm swiftly cut off by Anastasia.

"Because you groped me!" She snaps and then shifts herself behind me slightly when Leo's eyes fix on her.

After her quick temper this morning I'm coming to learn that she has a habit of acting before she's fulling thought about the consequences of said actions.

She's hot headed and something tells me we've barely seen the tip of the iceberg with it yet.

"Did you hear that brother" Blake singsongs jostling the box in his hands. "He touched her without her permission"

"I did" I retort wondering where he's going to go with this.

"Maybe I packaged up the wrong guy" he then says with a shrug and then throws the box into the air hurtling it in Leo's direction.

It surprisingly flies through the air quite well seeing as there's a severed head in there but the thudding sound it makes when it hits the ground quite frankly sounds horrendous.

With the thud the contents also spill out onto the ground in front of Leo his guys bloody decapitated head rolling towards him.

Him and his crew of buffoons stumble backwards with horrified expressions that I barely have time to register because Anastasia hunches over and proceeds to heave her guts up over the pavement in front of me.

"You have an exceptionally weak stomach little one" Blake chuckles from next to me which causes Anastasia to glare up at him.

"I'm sorry I'm not used to seeing heads rolling around like goddam bowling balls" she hisses and the turns an odd shade of green as if recalling the imagine. Then yet again she pukes everywhere causing both me and Blake to side step away from it this time.

Slightly distracted by Anastasia I almost miss Leo slowly retreating backwards but the moment I spot it and my eyes snap over to him he freezes.

"Eh eh eh Where do you think you're going?" I ask pinning him with a glare and the way he swallows hard is almost invigorating. "I think you owe Stasia an apology don't you?" I say tilting my head.

"Wh-what? No" Leo's eyes bulge as he stutters out his objection.

It's Blake that laughs as he taps his chest. "I'd think again if I was you"

There's hushed curses that slip from his guys lips as they all spot the red dot on Leo's chest. It takes a moment for him to notice but once he does I'm pretty sure his ass fills out.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry" he blurts out throwing his hands up in the air and attempts to shuffle backwards.

Clearly shitting himself.

"What do you think little one shall we let him go?" Blake asks turning to Anastasia enjoying this way too much and she genuinely contemplates it for a moment before a sadistic smile spreads across her face.

"Only once he gets on his knees and apologises again" she says and I internally groan because that glint in Blake's eyes tells me she has just hooked him in like a right sucker.

Smiling he turns his attention back to Leo. "You heard her" he then says and Leo instantly drops to his knees with no resistance at all.

"I'm sorry okay" he practically whimpers and I have to admit seeing him so humiliated in front of his men like this is amazing.

I have to give it to Anastasia with that one.

"That's better" she beams, clearly having her full confidence back now.

Leo looks to Blake who gives a curt nod and then Leo is scrambling up into his feet and rushes back to his SUV with his guys doing the same.

All of them tearing out of the car park at record speed.

"That was amazing, slightly disgusting but amazing as well" Anastasia breathes from next to me and when I turn to look at her those eyes of hers are fixed onto Blake and a beaming smile is still spread across her face which I know he's probably loving right now.

"Let's get out of here" I grit out drawing their attention back to me and the moment Blake's eyes meet mine I scowl at him.

Maybe bringing her back with us isn't going to be a good idea after all.

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